Sunday, December 7, 2008

Muscle Building Tips For Hard Gainers

By Jennifer King

If you're unlucky enough to be a hard gainer, and you have trouble packing on quality muscle mass then you will already realize that gaining size isn't something that is easy to do. Fundamentally, putting on quality weight is to do all the things you're doing now, but do them bigger.

This means you have to eat bigger, and you have to start looking at how you're training, and train harder. If you fail to do these two things you won't put on any weight and you won't get any stronger. Your muscles won't get any bigger if you don't eat more food, and you won't get bigger muscles if you don't lift more when you're training.

When it comes to packing on muscle lifting weights should be at the top of your list. The next most important thing is your diet. Without a proper diet all your weight training efforts will be a waste of time. Giving your body enough rest between workouts is also important. If you don't give your muscles enough time to repair themselves then your progress will go backwards.

Working out how many calories you're consuming each day is the best place to start when you want to eat to pack on muscle. Once you have worked this out you'll know how much more you have to eat to add a substantial amount that is going to allow you to grow. Adding an extra 500 calories a day will be a good start to begin encouraging your muscle to grow.

This might sound a lot at first but it could be a meal that contains 30 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs and 25 grams of healthy fat. A meal this size isn't difficult to add to your daily meals. When you start training more effectively your body will need this extra consumption for the extra calories your muscles will be burning.

Once you've what you're going to eat every day you need to get serious about your weight training. This means you go to the gym to lift weights, and not to socialize. Most gym users use their time in the gym to talk with their friends. They lift a few weights, have a chat, then go home and wonder why they're not growing.

The first thing you need to do is start writing down how much you're lifting and for how many sets and reps. You need to progresses with your training , and you can only do this if you know what you did last time your trained. Your muscles won't grow if you don't do more than you did last time you were training. If you don't get stronger then your muscles have no reason to grow, and if you don't lift more than you did the week before you won't get stronger.

When you write everything down you'll now exactly what's working for you and what isn't. If your progress is going backwards you'll know where to adjust your training.

If you truly want to dramatically change your body, to learn how to build muscle mass fast, then understand that it will be the power of all these factors working together that will propel you towards your goals. - 16004

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