Saturday, January 31, 2009

How To Get A Flat Stomach The Right Way

By Jose Loni

The best way to get a flat stomach is with exercise. Regular exercise, training with increased intensity and interval training are key factors to getting a flat stomach. By increasing the frequency of exercise, intensity of your exercise program and incorporating interval sets, an oxygen debt will occur causing the body to increase its metabolism and burn fat longer.

The more we exercise, the more muscles we develop in our bodies. Muscles, by nature, require more fuel to function. Fuel sources include the food that we eat and excess body fat.

Regular physical workouts are necessary to spur our body to maintain a higher degree of metabolic activity in order to meet the greater demands of increased activity. The more disciplined and active we are, the more our body maintains its increased metabolic rate.

An intensive workout is determined by training within our target heart rate zone. Training within that intensity will yield the best results because our body is made to work harder, allowing us to get a flat stomach faster.

Training in bursts of energy raises our metabolism by constantly challenging our muscles to work at a higher level to meet the sudden bursts in energy demand. Because the muscles are constantly being unexpectedly called to work and perform, they are in a state of preparation rather than rest, and therefore, use up more fuel in the form of excess fats.

In addition, using weights while doing this type of training burns fat even more effectively. Our muscles work harder when weights are used in rapid bursts, and then letting them rest and recover. When we repeat this cycle a few times, the muscles will get hungry for more fuel in order to sustain the intense training.

Basically, engaging in these types of workouts lead the muscles to go into something known as oxygen debt. This occurs when carbon dioxide and lactic acid builds up in the muscles. Now, our body has to work harder at supplying more oxygen to the muscles so it can clear away the lactic acid and other waste products that have built up. This nourishes and allows the muscles to recover.

So, in order to get a flat stomach in 3 stages, we need to commit to regular physical workouts, high intensity workouts, and interval training. Doing these will benefit our body by letting it burn fat very efficiently and ultimately, getting us a flat stomach. - 16004

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Reliable Yeast Infection Treatments

By June Lyons

You may have heard about yeast infections before, but your actual knowledge about this condition may be quite limited, inaccurate, or even next to nothing. If you or someone you know is pregnant, it's more important to learn the basic facts about yeast infection, as pregnancy puts anyone at higher risk of contracting this disease.

When most of us think of a yeast infection, we think of it in connection with women. However, the Candida albicans fungus (yeast) can cause infections in anyone of either gender, because it is present in all of our bodies. This will come as an unwelcome surprise to men, but hang on, because it gets worse.

Yeast infections can cause so many different symptoms and you can go round in circles trying so many different diets and creams and antibiotics that you don't know if you are coming and going. The list of symptoms are endless, burning, itching, redness and so on. The list goes on and on but if you just suffered from one of these it would be bad enough but to suffer from all of them at the same time is horrendous.

Of the usual treatments it is common to see vaginal creme, suppositories, and oral medications being used. To avoid and prevent Yeast Infection is a matter of which advice you trust, but generally it is advisable to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes, remove damp clothes immediately, and don't bath in soapy baths. Also, you may also consider avoiding bread, and sugar.

What most women do not realize is that the over the counter medications that we often use to treat yeast infections can be harmful. These type of medications treat only the symptoms of the infection and not the infection itself. Even doctor prescribed medications can do nothing more than treat the symptoms of an infection.

When your healthy child or adult gets affected by yeast infection, you will try some kind of medication. But, in case the medication fails or symptoms deteriorate, do not persist with the medication. Try to consult your doctor at the earliest convenience. If your immune system is weakened and you notice any new infections or symptoms, you should contact your doctor. - 16004

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Bob Greene Diet Plan Review

By Matt Hellstrom

I'd like to offer you a glimpse inside the Bob Greene Best Life diet plan. It seems to me that this might be helpful for you to make a decision to get involved, since that costs money at the very least. Not to mention time and energy. Here are the basics.

Cost. Right around $50 will cover the basic costs including the book with recipes, the journal, and a stay on the program book (also available on CDs). The cost of your food will decrease because fresh food is normally cheaper than processed food. You also have an option of joining Bob Greene diet program for a weekly fee that gives you access to experts and other dieters.

How Long is the Diet? As with any plan, Bob Greene's diet depends on your commitment. The first 2 phases are set up to go for 4 weeks each. The middle phase is the reach your goal stage and may last longer depending on the weight loss you desire. The final phase is your new improved changed lifestyle.

Exercise. This is a huge focus on this plan. You start by deciding where you are activity-wise and increasing it a bit at a time until you eventually reach the optimum range that will keep your calories burning. This is important because it keeps on you on the success track and doesn't blow out your body.

Time. To eat nutritious meals will involve more than opening a box so for those of you who like to cook this will be great. Those who don't, a bit more time (and positive attitude!) is involved. And to keep the weight off daily fitness is vital.

Dining Out. Of course! Bob Greene's diet books help you learn how to make smart decisions at restaurants. He even offers a book that gives you specific suggestions off the menu of several places.

Alcohol. None in Phase 1 but allowed in moderation in the later Phases.

Forever Dieting? The beauty of Bob Greene's diet plan is that he understands that it is not being lazy that got us where we are. But there a multitude of influences in this world that shape and mold us to become what we are. Some are, good some aren't. In looking at these areas honestly, we can start making a change that will last and is not just a bandaid.

So is the Bob Greene Best Life Diet for you? Only you can determine that. Why? Because only if you believe and commit to it, no matter how good the Best Life diet is, will you be successful. - 16004

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Lipo Disolve A Way to Lose Weight Fast

By Charles Donovan

The United States has one of the highest percentages (of population) of overweight people of all the countries in the world. Therefore, it isn't surprising that any product or procedure that aids in weight loss would be extremely popular. The particular treatment that will be discussed in this article is called Lipo Disolve. It is a fairly new treatment with a revolutionary way of getting rid of/ "dissolving" the fat from your body.

First we will go over some of the alternatives to lipo disolve in order to establish the relative pros and cons of the procedure. Liposuction, diet pills, exercise, and eating healthy are some of the most well known options. Some are quick, and sometimes expensive, and others are relatively cheap but require a large time commitment.

Many weight loss options can and should be combined to achieve maximum results. A person could combine exercise, diet and even diet pills to obtain their weight loss goals. However, it is difficult to determine how long the process will take. It depends on several factors including the person's ability to stick to their plan, their current situation, and how much weight they want to lose.

It is fairly safe to say that someone that went in and had three lipo disolve treatments and also continued to exercise and eat healthy would most likely see results a lot faster than someone that chose another method. The quickest way to lose your fat is probably to have liposuction surgery. This is also the riskiest option because you never know what kind of complications you might run into during the surgery. This is one of the biggest reasons why lipo disolve is really growing in popularity because its kind of a mixture of doing it the hard way and doing it the easy way.

The cost of lipo disolve is also an attractive feature for those looking into weight loss options. An exact cost is hard to pin point without consulting with a doctor(s), but the procedure generally costs from $300 to $2500. The factors that cause such a wide range include, the area being targeted, the number of areas being targeted, the location in which you have the procedure performed, the amount of fat, and the number of treatments required. However, it is relatively cheap compared to a liposuction surgery which costs an average of $10,000.

There is one question that must be answered concerning lipo disolve though and that it, "Are there any major health risks or side effects associated with the procedure". So far no major side effects have been reported. Lipo disolve has been practiced for approximately 10 years so long term side effects may still present themselves.

So if you are currently in the market for a way to lose weight quickly lipo disolve might just be the best solution for you. It obviously is very important that you discuss this with your doctor prior to making any decisions, but this should get you well on your way. - 16004

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A Closer Look at Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

By Ken P Doyle

The mental disorder known as bipolar affects people of any ages. However, it occurs more commonly in teens and adults. It can be quite difficult to self-diagnose because there are a lot of mental disorders with similar symptoms to Bipolar disorder. Another problem is that there are different types of bipolar which makes it difficult for people to realize that what they are experiencing is already the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

The Depressive Episode

The depressive episode is one of the classic symptoms of bipolar disorder. The main feature of this episode is a decrease in pleasure, as well as a decrease in interest in the daily activities. This mood, when compared to the standard mood and routine of the individual, can be very different. When in that state, the person will feel like they are in a state of depression which is probable to occur with or without any causes at all. The mood can also be described as being in a state of sadness or emptiness. The person is often mistaken by thinking that they are acting this way because of other big problems. During this stage of the bipolar disorder, the impact on the persons occupational and social functioning can be negatively affected. Bipolar symptoms can last for days or even a couple of weeks depending on the severity of the disorder.

The person will most probably lose weight because the appetite is affected. Other common symptoms are extreme fatigue, loss of energy, decrease in gross motor skill agitation, and sleeplessness. The person may also have feelings of worthlessness and guilt, all which can lead to suicidal attempts and death.

The Manic Phase

The manic phase is the opposite of a depressive state. The symptoms experienced here would be the exact opposite to the ones experienced in the depressive state. The behaviors manifested here can also be due to known or unknown causes just like the depressive episode. It may also last from days to weeks depending on the severity of the disorder.

The Mixed Period

On the other hand, during the mixed period, both the bipolar symptoms of the depressive episode and the manic episode can be manifested at the same time. This could last for one week up to a couple of weeks. The mixed episode can be considered as more dangerous and can cause more social impairment in the daily functioning and work situations since the symptoms present are of both the depressive and manic phases. Additionally, when the symptoms of depressive and manic episodes are occurring all at once, it becomes more difficult to treat the disorder and it is harder to predict the behavior of the person.

Other health conditions and substance abuse are often confused in most cases of bipolar disorders. Due to this fact, most cases of bipolar disorders are diagnosed at later stages when the condition has worsened.

In order to treat the disorder once the symptoms are being identified, it is necessary to know the bipolar disorder symptoms. Bipolar disorder is a very dangerous type of mental disorder because it can lead to suicide and death. It is strongly advised to visit a psychiatrist at once to prevent these things from happening. - 16004

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Prone to Insomnia? Try These Preventative Steps

By Rose K Taylor

It is discouraging to turn in for the night knowing you're only going to have problems falling or staying asleep. Sometimes it's easier to just stay awake and finish tasks or watch television than it is to lie in bed hoping that by some miracle sleep will come.

There are medications on the market to help those prone to insomnia. Sleep aids are known to provide restful sleep to those having trouble with sleep conditions. Most people don't want to become dependent on medicines and feel the side effects the next morning. Here are some preventative steps:

Avoid consuming stimulants : When it's time for bed, nothing should hinder you from getting some sleep. To that end, avoid anything containing products that will raise your heart rate and keep you alert. This includes soda, alcohol, tobacco, and coffee of course. Alcohol is not a stimulant but it does interrupt sleep patterns.

Use your bed for sex or sleep: When you think of your bed, these activities often come to mind. What we don't realize is that doing other things in bed might seem comfortable at the time but trains your body to stay awake. Instead of a quiet relaxing place to sleep, your bed is associated with reading, television, or doing work.

Get moving: Exercising regularly will help your body seek sleep for repairing itself. The American Heart Association recommends getting at least 30 minutes of cardio activity daily.

Establish a routine: Establishing a routine is important for everyone but especially for those who suffer from sleep disorders. Doing the same quieting activities at each night will teach your body and mind that it is time to unwind. A warm bath or shower before bed can help you to relax.

Get in a comfortable position : You'll get your best night's sleep when you are comfortable. Work to turn your bedroom into a sleep haven. Use an eye mask or earplugs to shut out all light and all noise in the bedroom. As far as your bed itself, invest in a proper mattress, pillows, and bedding that feels good. We sleep for 33 percent of our lives, we deserve the best.

Don't put pressure on yourself:: Telling yourself over and over that you must fall asleep right now will only heighten your stress and prevent you from drifting off. Instead of pressuring yourself, think about something relaxing such as a vacation or happy past events.

Relax your muscles: To help your body relax, breathe in slowly, hold for a moment and then slowly breathe out. As you exhale let your body sink down into the bed and imagine your tension drifting away. Perform this breathing routine several times as you lie in bed. - 16004

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Build Bigger Muscle with Appropriate Bodybuilding Exercise

By Wakelin Smith

When superslim body shapes are in, it may seem strange to those wanting to lose weight, to find some people work for a body builder look. To build bigger muscle is not for the sole intention of looking good, but rather to have a healthy and energetic body.

There are known ways to form great muscles, but having a complete body building program is most popular. These common programs will work on your gaining weight primarily then head on to toning your muscles. Body building programs come with a complete set of steps to take in nutrition, weight training, supplementation, and avoiding injuries. The steps you need to take are quite easy and enjoyable to follow which form quite a routine. You only need to be careful about having a personal trainer. You have to make sure that he's not a hoax and instead a certified professional trainer who won't give you excess time for additional pay.

There are those who say that homemade is best made. It's still applicable to losing weight and toning muscles. You can do the best muscle building techniques in the privacy of your home and still get the best results. It's not necessary that you submit yourself to a grueling trainer and get stuck in a cramped gym environment. You can use common techniques like calisthenics. You can do push-ups, pull-ups and some crunches daily. You can do these with a couple of weight lifting, starting from an empty bar and progressing toward heavier weights. All of these are done in the privacy of your home where you can have peace of mind and comfort.

You can also work on building your muscles and boosting your stamina by lifting free weights instead of having machine-aided exercises. You should remember that barbells are good when you aim for the heaviest weights that cause stress, which in turn helps form muscles. When it comes to dumbbells, they are for assistance exercises, instead of major lifts.

When you have a personal goal of looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger's physique, you will have to start from scratch. You will have to start from scratch. Simple and compound exercises that target several muscle groups are perfect to begin with. When you have had a solid foundation you can shift and use isolation exercises. Now it should be self explanatory why this is step by step process.

In order to build bigger muscle you will have to do regular squats to train your legs. It must be done 1.5 timesthe body weight, religiously. In doing this, make sure that the hips are lower than knees to get the best results. Most body builders are referred to as health buffs even if they are going for brawns and looks more than health. Rest, proper diet, sleep and drinking enough water are essential and will help to shape the muscles more quickly than pure tedious exercise without the proper sustenance to go with it.

What could be the best muscle building strategy is eating a lot to gain more weight, before working on the muscles. It's a quick and easy thing to do, except that you focus more on eating protein-rich foods. Those who are fond of skipping breakfast are not fit for muscle building programs. There are even seven recommended breakfast recipes to help you for carbohydrate loading to start off in the morning. To build bigger muscle, there is one thing you should remember and that is persistence. When it seems like dying to go to that weight lifting session, imagine yourself wearing your gorgeous swimwear in some fabulous beach, being glanced at by everyone, young and old alike. - 16004

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How Much Should One Expect to Pay for Prescription Glasses?

By Amy Nutt

Prescription glasses are not a cheap item, no matter how you look at it. When you buy glasses, you have to pay both for lenses and frames, not to mention the cost of the exam itself. If you need glasses, knowing how much to expect to pay ahead of time is very helpful.

The Cost of Frames Varies

The cost of the frames for your prescription glasses varies tremendously from pair to pair. Designer frames can cost several hundred dollars. For that price you get designer frames that would be the envy of any Hollywood star. You can also buy more affordable frames at discount prices for around $50 or less. Online merchants make it possible to get frames for even less, sometimes close to $20.

There are some special features that can increase the cost of frames. For instance, frames made out of a titanium-based allow known as Flexon are able to return to their normal shape after being damaged. These are great for people who work in high-impact jobs or play sports on a regular basis, but they also cost more. This lightweight, corrosion-resistant material is very popular, making it very popular, and therefore more expensive.

The most affordable frames are plastic frames, but again, designer models will cost more. There are many different metals used to make eyeglass frames as well. High-end frames are often made out of titanium or aluminum, creating a polished look. Monel is the most common metal used in eyeglass frames.

The Cost of Lenses

Frames are not the only things that cost a lot when you are buying eyeglasses. Lenses also contribute to the price of your glasses. Single prescription lenses come in a variety of materials and with several coating options, and each of these adds to the cost.

The cheapest option for your lenses is plastic. Plastic lenses are lightweight and fairly durable, but they do scratch easily. You will pay more to get a scratch-resistant coating on these glasses, but you may find that it pays for itself by making your glasses last longer. You will also pay more if you need special features like slim lenses, which are often necessary if you have a strong prescription.

Polycarbonate is another option you have for your frames. These are lightweight and provided added UV protection, but they cost more than plastic. If you have a strong prescription and wear your glasses all of the time, the lighter weight and UV protection may make the cost worthwhile.

If you have bifocals or trifocals, your lenses will cost even more. Remember, these glasses are basically two or three pairs of glasses in one pair of lenses. Other additional features, such as glasses that darken when you go in the sun or glasses with a glare resistant coating, will increase the cost. On average, frame can cost between $50 and $300, depending on what you choose for them.

Options for Saving Money

Since a pair of glasses could cost as much as $400, depending on the frames you choose and the lenses you need, you are probably wondering how you can save money on them. One option is to shop online. But cutting out a lot of the overhead that a brick and mortar retailer has, online retailers can offer the same lenses and designer frames for a much more reasonable price. Look for a site that has a money back offer, however, because you do not want to be stuck with a shoddy pair of glasses by a less-than-scrupulous company.

Another option is to shop at a 'big box' retailer. Discount stores like Wal-Mart and warehouse stores often have optical departments. These locations typically have a lower cost for their materials because they buy in such tremendous quantities, so you will save money. Remember, you have options if you shop around, so take your time to find an affordable eye care provider. - 16004

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Try These Ideas To Treat Your Cellulite Dimples

By Lynne Bridges

You might be familiar with a variety of cellulite treatments currently available on the market. You know the ones - all the gadgets, creams and accessories that promise to erase cellulite for good. But did you know that it's possible to reduce cellulite naturally? Advertisements may suggest otherwise, but it can be done.

As we all know, it's the business of cellulite treatment sellers to convince you that their products are exactly what you need. However, please understand that most of the effects they promise to give you are often temporary. Further, you can make a permanent difference by changing your natural habits. Develop new, healthy habits and you could have smoother and firmer skin naturally.

A natural remedy demands no more than a little determination and patience. You could save a lot of money by going natural, instead of shelling out big dollars for every new cream that appears in the market. The decision regarding this is yours. Do you prefer to save money and opt for a healthy alternative, or do you believe in the quick fixes promised by all the advertisements aimed at selling a product?

There are no easy ways of developing healthy habits and it will undoubtedly be hard for you to follow certain restrictions. However, once you master these habits, you will reap enormous benefits in turn. What you need to do is to lose additional body fat and increase your muscle mass which will improve your cellulite problem significantly.

Stick to a healthy eating plan first. Lots of fruits and green vegetables, whole cereals and only the leanest meats and protein sources. Make sure you also get plenty of the healthy fats that are so essential to proper body functioning. Only exclude the unhealthy saturated fat content and foods like white bread, sugar, cookies and cakes. Try eating as much natural food as possible and leave out foods that are heavily processed.

Exercise is a must! In order to increase your muscle mass you must start on regular cardio and muscle building exercises. Cardiovascular training helps burn calories and also keeps your heart in shape. In due time, you will see the desired results. Choose exercises that address the spots worst affected by cellulite and help to firm them. Reduction is done by both toning and firming up the affected areas combined with actual fat loss.

The next important thing is to drink more water throughout the day. Drinking fresh water at regular intervals help to flush out the toxins from your system. Keeping your system hydrated ensure that these toxic substances do not aggravate cellulite formation. Water also keeps your skin healthy and promotes overall bodily functions.

By incorporating these simple habits into your daily routine, you'll be practicing the best cellulite treatment available. It's sure to improve your health, reduce cellulite and keep you feeling and looking your best. - 16004

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Unearthing of history of tea began more than 5,000 years ago.

By Fabio Itonga

Either coffee or tea is available at your favorite coffee house anywhere on the planet. Why aren't they called "tea and coffee" or "coffee and tea" or "tea houses?" Is there a universal plot built in opposition to tea? Let's glimpse back in time and have a look at the history of both coffee and tea to examine why the coffee house is king.

History of Tea The unearthing of history of tea began more than 5,000 years back in China. The Emperor was meeting in his home sipping on a little H2O from the stream that had been boiled, once some foliage from a close by plant blew into it. He observed the juice was brown so he gave it a sip, found it refreshing, and liked the zip it put in his power level.

Tea drinking rapidly extended to every home in China. Tea was at that time returned to Japan by a Buddhist Monk who brought tea seeds after a trip to China and found that tea strongly affected and assisted in his meditating making his concentration easier. Since that point in time tea would for ever be linked with Buddhism.

After the assault by Japan on Pearl Harbor, a lot of the population associated tea with the ritual the Kamikaze Pilots did previous to their assignments. Then, in expectation, tea has by no means made an absolute resurgence. Its relationship through the warfare, and the organization tea has concerning the world with religious services, even these days, avoids it from sharing the exhibition area with King Coffee.

History of Coffee With almost zero coffee houses, the coffee bean had started growing from the earth in Ethiopia at about the tenth century. It was not long in anticipation of its journey into Northern Africa, as Arab traders traveled the trading routes that communities began the business of cultivating the valuable plant.

Before long, the tasty product had been traded well beyond the boarders of Europe and India. The earliest coffee house was Kiva Han that commenced business in Istanbul in 1471. Coffee came to Europe through Italy, through the services of Muslim traders.

A main explanation that coffee is king if you are a Muslim, is that you're permitted to drink it. Muslims have a set limit of coffee in their meals. Furthermore, in 1600, coffee got a big boost when Pope Clement permitted it over the opposition of a number of church officials who felt that the Muslim beverage was immoral and objected.

Once you comprise all the Muslims and Catholics together, you contain a huge marketplace. This group is in possession of their own coffee in their own houses every day. For the duration of World War II, drinking coffee, was a happy pastime as was tea drinking. - 16004

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Natural Anxiety Cures - Herbs And Supplements That Can Help

By Adrian Fletcher

Chronic Anxiety and stress can be a silent killer because it can lead to a number of diseases and conditions that can threaten your health. High blood pressure, fitful sleep and rapid weight gain are a few of the problems that are caused by chronic anxiety. It can also ruin relationships and your ability to hold down a job or build a career. Treatment is essential and many natural products can help with this. Most of the natural anxiety cures are available as herbs, but can also be vitamins or mineral extracts.

It is unfortunate that no governmental agency currently plays any role in regulating the sale, packaging or processing standards of herbal remedies. In spite of the lack of regulatory oversight or official clinical trials of herbal remedies, there are still a number of natural anxiety cures which are time-tested and proven that are available in the market.

It is possible to purchase the most effective natural anxiety cures in many areas of the country. If you can't find a local source, turn to the Internet, where you will be able to find a number of websites that can offer just what you need. One effective option for using natural anxiety cures to relieve anxiety that you may wish to consider is Valerian root. Available as extracts or capsules, Valerian root is primarily a muscle relaxant, but is also effective in treating sleep-related issues.

Valerian is very relaxing and dramatically reduces stress levels if the dosage taken is 50 to 500 milligrams. It has been found that some medicines take a longer period to work up effective levels in your body. However, for some users, Valerian as an anxiety cure has an immediate sobering effect on their anxiety level. However, most people find that it takes about 30 minutes for full effect.

One particular herb, passion fruit flower, has been claimed to be effective as a natural anxiety cure. Supplements that have passion fruit flower extract may be helpful. Passion fruit flower has a chemical called Vitexin in it. Vitexin relieves tension, which in turn helps to alleviate anxiety. In addition, Vitexin has the added benefits of anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some herbal medicines for anxiety contain ingredients which many people may not be able to digest. Ingredients such as Valerian cause abdominal pain and possibly night terrors in case you are not able to digest valerian.

You should consult a doctor before making your own blend of herbal medicine at home to be used as natural anxiety cures. If you are not sure whether any methods or natural anxiety cures used for treating anxiety are safe, you should ask your doctor. There is always a possibility that the new drugs may interact with current drugs and cause a negative effect. - 16004

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Best Way to Get Rid of Belly Fat

By Phyllis E. Reis

Many people believe that they can simply take a magic pill or do targeted exercises and lose fat from their stomach, but it is not that simple. The best way to get rid of belly fat is much more complicated than that, and requires quite a bit more work as well.

Exercise is not defined as doing a million sit-ups, neither is it merely strolling from the sofa to the refrigerator. One of the initial steps to discovering the most appropriate way to eliminate belly fat is to establish a targeted exercise regime.

It should be kept in mind that your daily routine must be of high level aerobic activities. Considering that is impossible to reduce fats from only a part of your body at a time, you must do aerobic activities that will help you loose fats in your entire body. This will ensure you that you do no only loose fat in your belly but in your entire body. Aerobic exercise should be taken a minimum of three days weekly for at least 30 minutes daily to be able to obtain good results. Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to get rid of belly fat.

When you have decided on what kind of exercise routine you will be using, you must have a daily schedule and do it consistently. Setting a slot of time each day for you to do your exercise routine and doing it consistently will get you in the habit of exercising and preventing you from missing routine sessions. This will help you in reducing your belly fat.

Some people think of a healthy way of eating as the ideal way to eliminate belly fat. Even though a healthydiet is an essential factor to a flatter stomach, it is not adequate by itself. To be able to lose weight, you must follow a healthy eating plan faithfully, one that consists of an abundance of fresh non-starchy vegetables, fruits, lean meats, low fat dairy products and limited carbohydrates.

Going on a restrictive diet that eliminates certain food groups for your diet is not healthy or helpful in the long run. These fad-type diets might help you get a flatter belly, but as soon as you go off the diet, the weight will pile back on. If you learn how to change your lifestyle, and eat in a healthier way, you will benefit for the rest of your life.

When you are searching for the best way to get rid of belly fat, it is vital to be aware of the role that targeted exercises play. Certain exercises that are intended to tone up your stomach muscles will shape up and firm that section of your body, but are not adequate to take away belly fat by itself. But, after you lose the fat from your stomach region these exercises will thin out and firm up this region for a trimmer appearance. - 16004

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Omega Fatty Acids and Your Health

By Christian Goodman

Growing up in Iceland, I had to drink lysi. If you're not familiar with it, it is pure fat from fish liver. It was HORRIBLE. It is however, very healthy and is now available in capsules or pills.

All I knew is that it was somehow beneficial to me and my health. As an adult, I developed an insatiable curiosity about natural health remedies. So, in addition to my other research, I decided to research the benefits of the fish fat.

Our bodies require certain vitamins and nutrients. Our bodies are not capable of creating many of them so we have to ingest them. Omega Fatty Acids is one of these essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Fish can supply the omega fatty acids (tuna, herring, salmon). Two servings per week though is the suggested limit as they also contain mercury.

Sunflower seeds, soybeans, olive oil and avacados also contain omega fatty acids. There are a number of foods that have the fatty acids added to them in manufacturing such as some cereals, orange juice and baby food.

Getting omega fatty acids through food is considered the best way to get it. You may however want to consult with your doctor or nutritionist to verify just how much you need.

If your diet isn't providing you with a sufficient amount of fatty acids, supplements can be taken. You will want to research the brand of course as they are not regulated.

How is this actually beneficial? For one, babies require it for proper development.

Studies have shown that omega fatty acids can reduce the progression of cardiovascular problems.

Rheumatoid arthritis, depression and anxiety disorders are problems that can be assisted with omega fatty acids.

While my Weight Loss Breeze program includes no special dietary requirements, it is very successful if a healthy weight is your goal.

EL331001 - 16004

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Winning Stinks!

By Jennifer Dumas

We teach our kids early on the importance of team sports in their lives. By the age of 5 most children a involved in a team sport or group activity. Mom, dad, I am sure you proudly recall watching your first born playing soccer at the age of 5. The rules are simple. Everyone plays and nobody loses. Funny how the game always seems to end in a tie. Your little guy chases the ball mixed into a cluster with the other children. It's wild kicking in that cloud of kids. Thank goodness for shin guards! With time and practice your child continues to improve and quickly develops some real athletic talent.

He or she continues to work hard to develop those athletic skills. You pay for the private instuction and make the commitment to practice and play 5 days a week or more. That hard work pay off as he and his teammates win league games, tournments and move on to thier sports version of the "World Series".

Your child and his or her teammates work hard to achieve the stats necessary to play in the championship tournments. You sell hotdogs, wash cars, and seek sponsors. Your friends , family and community rally around you, contributing to the cause. You have raised the funds...the team will have their opportunity to play.

Prior to arriving at the tournment, your child's coach informs you that the tournment allows teams to pick up "stud" players. To stay competitive with the other teams your coach feels he must do the same. The result... Your child and many of his teammates sit on the bench.

Who makes these rules and what does it do to your child's self esteem? What message does it send to your child? "You were good enough to play on our team all season, but you are not good enough to play these kids." I say come as a team, play as a team, leave as a team! - 16004

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Basic Info On Natural Yeast Infection Cures

By Jane Lewis

Systemic yeast infections, thrush, or otherwise known as Candida can be extremely hard to detect. There are many causes of this and it is hard to figure out why you continue to get this overgrowth of yeast within the body. Taking antibiotics are one way to get a yeast infection. If you do not have to take antibiotics, it is best not too.

There are several methods to get rid of this infection. Some of these methods are good and safe while some are very dangerous and can cause more harm to you. I have seen where persons have been recommended to use Boric Acid to treat their yeast infection. This should never be done because boric acid is a very toxic substance and can have cause deaths in most humans.

The symptoms of a yeast infection can take on many forms. From the relatively benign and simple, to the more dangerous forms a more chronic problem can take, it pays to know what to watch out for, especially since 80% of us will go through some form of it at least once in our lifetime.

Unfortunately, in this day and age it has become difficult to find quality information on the use of natural yeast infection cures as there is very little money to be made from them by the companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Rest assured, there are effective treatments available to help anyone overcome yeast infection by learning how to self diagnose the condition and to create an internal environment which will literally drive your yeast infection out of your body. Do your own research on the Internet and decide for yourself if natural yeast infection cures are the right choice for you.

What can you do to wipe out this embarrassing, re-occurring issue? For one, check out some of the homeopathic solutions that are finally re-appearing on the market to get rid of your yeast infection both today, and for the future as well. You get rid of the current problem, and prevent a recurrence from ever happening again.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. So instead of suffering from a yeast infection, it is better to prevent getting one. Take antibiotics only when prescribed by a doctor and be ready for the possibility of a yeast infection because of these antibiotics. Diabetics have to maintain their sugar levels as much as possible so they are prone to suffer from yeast infections with fluctuations in their sugar levels. - 16004

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Stop Snoring Pillow

By Toya C. Johnson

People who snore have a number of options to stop snoring. There are many products available, including a special pillow to stop snoring. Pillows that help you stop snoring are a popular method to stop snoring that doesn't require any special attention and usually work on the same basis.

Some people don't snore as long as the person remains in the ideal sleeping position; however if the snorer rolls over onto his back, the snoring resumes. With the pillow to stop snoring, the person is positioned to sleep on the side which keeps the breathing passages relatively free and thus eliminates the snoring.

There are a lot of reasons that people snore, and the way they lie in bed might be one. With the pillow to stop snoring, your body is aligned in a better position to prevent snoring. If changing your sleeping position doesn't help, then a doctor can examine you to figure out exactly why you snore. You might have a serious condition that is making you snore.

There are many reasons why people snore. One of the main reasons is because their air passage may have an obstruction causing them to cease breathing while they sleep. When this happens, the air is forcibly pushed out through the air passage and the outcome of that is a very loud snoring sound. Others who sleep around a snoring individual will sometimes notice some moments of silence. The pillow to stop may be useful, but usually the silence indicates a serious condition and should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible.

If you have other problems, there are additional techniques to help you stop snoring. It may be as simple as using a pillow to help you stop snoring. You can also find products designed to enlarge your nasal passages, such as snore strips that go on the outside of your nose before you go to sleep.

There are options available for the mouth if it is the source of the snoring problem. For example, the palate's tissue may be too soft, and this can result in vibration during sleep which causes the snoring noise. Certain dental devices can be placed in the mouth prior to sleeping, and this eliminates the vibration. Certain types of surgery are also available which can help to correct this type of snoring.

Try to find out how and why you snore first and then try a widely available product to help you stop snoring. A pillow to stop snoring may be an easy solution to what can become a huge problem unless take steps to stop the snoring. - 16004

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New Era Massage For the Masses

By James Gilbert Pynn

Consider, if you will, hot, oil-drenched hands rubbing away all that tension in your ears, neck and shoulders. Now, imagine these same hands working the delicate tissue along your spine and rubbing your lower back into a puddle of relaxation. The need to be touched and the need to relax go hand in hand " no pun intended. Its a need as deep as hunger or thirst and it has been a facet of every human civilization throughout history. It has been an integral part of every human civilization. From the Nile Valley to the Indus Valley to the Japanese Isles, massage has always played a part in human socialization and enculturation.

The magic of touch flows through the finger, the elbows, the palms, even the feet. The gentle, and in some cases fierce, manipulation of soft tissues is a mysterious thing. Though the ancients respected it as a necessity, it seems our Modern Era thinks of massage as frivolous or decadent. In the face of the so-called Protestant Work Ethic, it does indeed seem rather facile. But were made of flesh " and that flesh craves touch.

More and more, the medical benefits of massage are becoming apparent. The establishments slow realization began with the 1996 Atlanta Olympics when massage was offered as a medical service. Indeed, most athletes can vouch for the restorative benefits of a deep tissue massage. Football players, boxers, runners, practically every athletic endeavor can benefit from keep the muscles and joints and tendons relaxed.

Benefits beg the question of the method. There are various types of massage and a host of schools that specialize in teaching it. There is Swedish, visceral manipulation, myofascial, and Shiatsu, to name a few. In fact, Shiatsu is a licensed medical procedure in Japan. Translated as finger pressure, Shiatsu primarily uses the fingers and palms to soothe tight muscles and though it is a very popular form of massage, it has only been a codified system for approximately one hundred years.

A professional massage may not be feasible or affordable for most people, but there are alternatives. A proliferation of hand-held devices has become popular, and massaging components have been incorporated into all kinds of furniture. Massage chairs, in particular, have enjoyed a surge of popularity. The appeal of being able to slump into a chair and have it work the kinks out of your back and neck is hard to beat. A candle-lit, oil-drenched session, its not, but for those still at the beck and call of the Protestant Work Ethic, it might as close to the real thing as they get. - 16004

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Is Mineral Makeup Worth It? Consider The Healthy & Beauty Benefit

By Marilyn Etzel

Wouldn't it be great to get maximum coverage and a healthy glow in one makeup with one application? That is what mineral makeup promises to its customers. For those who might want to give mineral makeup a try, this article probes the benefits of wearing it.

What is your skin tone? If you someone whose skin is hard to match with cosmetics, mineral makeup can solve that problem. Mineral makeup reports that it works for all skin tones and types, producing a flawless natural look to the face.

Even though the powder looks much like other foundational makeup at first glance, a deeper look reveals that mineral makeup is quite different from the run of the mill makeup we are used to putting on. Mineral makeup is made up of just that-minerals and not filler.

The minerals that make up the basis of most mineral makeup are:

Mica powder Iron oxides (adds color) Titanium dioxide

These minerals are found naturally and are ground into a fine powder. As natural products, there is less of a chance of skin irritation with mineral makeup. We, as women, are used to skin irritations from makeup. All of the chemicals and dyes in most over-the-counter beauty products clog our pores and inhibit our skin from breathing.

Furthermore, most makeup cakes after prolonged wear. Many foundations show streaks when we become overheated and begin to perspire. No one wants to have their makeup run. When it cakes, it is easier to see fine lines and wrinkles in our skin. What a mess!

With natural mineral makeup, that is not a problem. Only a small amount of the mineral powder is applied to the face for all over coverage. The use of a Kabuki brush allows for quick and complete coverage for all skin types and tones.

Mineral makeup has several benefits:

Hides lines and wrinkles Goes on easy and stays smooth in hot weather Light coverage Works for all skin tones Provides a natural glow (comes from the bismuth oxychloride)

If you have allergies and have never worn makeup, mineral cosmetics can help you too. With no chemicals or fillers, skin isn't exposed to potentially irritation substances. Some ingredients like zinc oxide and iron oxide provide some protection against the sun's harmful rays. These products are also listed in sunscreen formulations.

Mineral makeup will theoretically last as long as you need it to. The minerals in it are inorganic and there is no moisture so bacterial growth is not a problem like it is in other cosmetics. As a precaution always pour powder into another container before applying and wash the Kabuki brush often. - 16004

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Sticking to your New Year's Resolutions to Get Healthy

By Anne Maxwell

"New Year's resolutions" is almost identical to "better health." Whether it's to lose weight, stop smoking, drink less, or eat healthier, many of changes people desire to make are in reference to living a healthier life. If you want to stick to your resolutions, there are a few key things you may want to do approximately two weeks before you are set to start.

Know your goals: Of course, your long-term or final goals are important? What are your short-term goals? Many people forget about short-term goals, which are essential to accomplishing your long-term goal. Losing 20 pounds in four months is a great long-term goal, but it can be daunting day after day.

Short-term goals for losing 20 pounds in four months can include eating 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of veggies a day for the first three weeks. After those three weeks, another short-term goal could be to increase cardio time by 6 minutes each session for the next four weeks. Having those shorter goals to look forward to will shorten the overall time frame of the long-term goal, hence increasing your chances of achieving it.

Know your weaknesses: If there is anything that is going to keep you from reaching your long-term goals, get rid of it. If it is something that needs to be removed from your house, ask someone else to keep it. If it is a store or restaurant, avoid it all cost; even if it means you have take a different route to do so. And forget about trying to be strong and tempting yourself. Instead admit your weakness and just stay away from the temptation.

Substitute your weakness with something that will make you stronger (For example, instead of buying treats at the store, buy flowers and display them around your house to remind you how well you're doing!).

Get a support system: A support system is a good way to stay motivated because you will not want to let the people down who are holding you accountable. Enlist family members, friends, or even an internet health site as a part of your support system.

Keep a journal: Use a journal to write down what you have done as you accomplish the goals. What were your feels as you accomplished your daily tasks? Did you encounter any pitfalls and how can you keep them from happening again? Write what you think about your goals or life in general, being as positive as you can when describing your experiences. At the end of each week, read what you wrote from the first page to the present date to help you start the coming week motivated and ready to go.

To remind yourself of your goals, get a calendar for the New Year, two index cards, a marker, and a pencil. The first thing you need to do is write down your long-term goal on the index cards with the marker. Pin or tape one card next to the calendar on the wall and the other card on mirror in your bathroom.

On your calendar, write down the date that you want to accomplish the goal by and circle that date with a marker. Next take the pencil and jot the short-term goals on the calendar and circle those dates as well. You also want to write down all the basic daily things you will do (details of workout session, meal plans, water amounts, etc.), to reach your long-term goal in whatever organizer, notebook, etc., you use to write down important dates.

Consistently using these tips will help you reach that goal and live a healthier life! Remember to celebrate all your successes, big or small, and if you veer off course, it's never too late to get back on again. - 16004

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Turbulence Training: How effective is this fat loss workout?

By Greg McKenzie

In today's world, one of the best fat loss training systems is turbulence training. It assists in losing fat, putting on muscle, and you can still maintain a lean body with the help of minimal exercises, of less than an hour, 3 times a week.

It is founded on sound, verified scientific research - basically the main part of turbulence training is exercises that disturbs your body's stasis and will not let it calm down. Because of this, your body will use up a lot of fat attempting to catch up.

You can do the turbulence training in the comfort of your home either before or after work, whichever is more convenient for you. The exercises can be done quickly, and you can avoid ineffective exercises and wasting your time.

There are many guides found on the net, and unlike them this workout really helps. I lost nearly a pound a week while I was doing it and I was in good shape to begin with. In addition, people like Alwyn Cosgrove call turbulence training 'the single most effective fat loss training system in the world' and that is a good indicator we should investigate the program more.

An average individual who switches to a healthy eating plan can expect to lose approximately two or three pounds a week, while overweight individuals will most likely lose a bit more.

The introductory workout was added by Craig for people who had been mostly sedentary. This workout focuses on your core, which is essential for those who are not accustomed to working out and will help prevent injury during exercise. This is also for a shorter duration. Do not trick yourself though, it is still a very hard work out.

Most of the workouts which are on the Internet advocate a workout for 6 days a week, taking turns between interval sprints and intervals of weight training. Craig combines both of these. Collectively you may have to spend at least 3 hours a week doing exercises; extra if you take your time, as you may need to focus on finishing the exercises.

For me, it was much easier to swallow just three workouts per week instead of a daunting six. In addition, that extra day of rest is welcome when you are just beginning.

You will not be making a mistake if you use this workout. It saves time, anyone can do it, and it works. - 16004

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Witch Hazel As A 200 Year Old Anti Aging Cream

By Julie Samtsonn

Many Indian tribes used Witch Hazel as a medicinal treatment. It is one of the few medicinal treatments allowed by the Federal Drug Administration today, as a topical treatment. There are many other herbal extracts allowed as dietary supplements, but witch hazel is one of the few still allowed in topical treatments. It was widely used topically for hemorrhoids, insect bites and stings, skin ulcers, tumors, boils and other rashes, such as chiggers or poison ivy.

Witch Hazel is a native shrub found in America and Europe. Witch Hazel has many medicinal qualities that have seen it highly valued over the years and used in many different ways. In early days, it's branches and flowers were steamed and the broth mixed with alcohol then used for astringents or topical medication. Nowadays, it is an ingredient in many different things ranging from mouthwashes to anti aging creams and also anti wrinkle creams. It is an ingredient in many different hemorrhoid treatments today. It's a popular home remedy and skin care experimentalists claim that medicines made up of Witch Hazel work in anti aging of skin.

In the anti aging treatments, because it has been found to contain capillary constricting properties to reduce inflammation, and topical antioxidant properties, it is a safe, and affordable home remedy, as witch hazel oil can be purchased for under a couple dollars in the pharmacy section of most stores. It's use as an ingredient in the skin care line of anti aging creams and anti wrinkle creams, may be in a more concentrated form and thus promotes cell turnover and new cell moisturizing by using the oil concentrates to keep skin cells plump and hydrated.

It was in the 1840's that Theron Pond learned from the Oneida Indians, the medicinal benifits of Witch Hazel. The shrubs are common in the New York and Connecticut areas and these regions still supply much of the witch hazel on the market today. After years of learning from the Oneida Indians, Theron Pond brought the healing powers to mass market, selling it commercially under the name of Golden Treasure. After the death of Theron Pond, the name of the product was changed to "Pond's extract".

Witch Hazel production is still common around Connecticut where it is one of the leading manufacturing areas dealing in Witch Hazel extract today. The harvesting still goes on in Northwestern Connecticut, land owners cut the Witch Hazel every few years, so that they can re-branch and sell to the many distributors, who then distill the product for pharmaceutical uses.

Witch Hazel has been confirmed as an antioxidant, radiation protective and anti-inflammatory. It is an approved astringent and external analgesic, and has internal medicinal uses as well. It is only natural that it is an ingredient in anti aging creams and anti wrinkle creams, as a proven treatment. - 16004

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bipolar Children Disorder

By Ken P Doyle

Bipolar disorder in children has been seen as early as age 6. Of course, with children, you have to observe them long enough to know what their normal child behavior patterns are opposed to their bipolar behavior. Also, you have to take into account other problems that children develop that can overlap with bipolar disorder in children. But the same basic criteria that an adults diagnosis is based are used to diagnose children. It has to be modified a bit though because of the age.

Symptoms for Children with Bipolar Disorder

Children with bipolar disorder are often misdiagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). This is because ADHD and bipolar disorder share similar symptoms like hyperactive, irritable and being easily distracted. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that the child has bipolar mania due to these symptoms. Signs that are specific to bipolar disorder and not ADHD are sleeping too much, unusual sexual activities, jubilant and euphoric moods, flights of ideas and grandiose behaviors.

The children with grandiose behaviors often think that rules and regulations do not apply to them. This goes as far as telling authority figures and others what they should do because they think they are so smart. Some have even had delusions of grandeur in thinking they are almost superhuman. Children with bipolar disorder usually only sleep about 4 to 6 hours nightly and do not shows signs of being tired the following day. They could do such activities as playing games all night or moving furniture.

Bipolar children and bipolar adolescents with mania also show increased signs of unusual sexual activity and can be very flirtatious for their age. They may also try to touch others, including adults, in private areas and they may use very explicit sexual language.

Moods that are associated with bipolar mania are having euphoric moods almost hysterical to being very happy. You as an outsider would probably think that they are about to go to an exciting event or place. Teachers and parents usually are the first to notice these mood changes. When talking; children change topics rapidly because they have so many ideas running around their head even though it is not triggered by anything.

The other symptoms for bipolar children are the tendency to have many cycles of these behaviors during a day's time. Going from the elated high moods all the way down to heavy depressed moods that can even cause suicide attempts.

Bipolar Children Disorder Treatments

The same medications that are often prescribed for adults who are bipolar are used to treat children and teenagers. Mood stabilizing agents such as lithium for one, valproate, and Tegretol (carbamazepine) have been thought to be of use in treating children. More studies are being done on this though. There is concern in many sectors for long time use of medication in children though.

Make sure your child is properly diagnosed before medicating them. Since ADHD and bipolar disorder can overlap in some of their symptoms this is a difficult job to tell the difference. Make sure to use a doctor who has a background with bipolar disorder in children to treat your child. - 16004

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How To Get Rid Of External Hemorrhoids Now!

By Joanna E. Jordan

There are approximately 100 million Americans suffering from external hemorrhoids. And, more than half of the U.S. population will develop hemorrhoids by the time they reach the age of 50. Being that Hemorrhoids can be extremely painful and aggravating it is important to have access to an effective hemorrhoid treatment.

External hemorrhoids are basically enlarged veins which arise outside the rectum area and ultimately transform into a soft lump. It is at this point that he lump can turn into a blood clot that hardens and then is exceedingly painful.

There are a number of different causes for hemorrhoids and numerous reasons for why people can get them. Below are just some of the possible triggers that bring them about:

-Having to strain in bowel movements



-Chronic Diarrhea

- Sitting for long periods of time

There are many steps you can take which can help you to avoid suffering from hemorrhoids. If you are currently suffering from hemorrhoids it is best to take preventative measures as soon as possible. This will help to begin healing your current state and help to keep them from returning in the future.

Taking preventative measures to avoid hemorrhoids do not have to be difficult. For example, adding more fiber to your diet, at least every other day. Second, making sure you drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. Finally, having an easy but simple 20 minutes of exercise, like taking a short walk around the park or at the mall. These simple measures will help your digestive system to have easier bowel movements and have them more regular. These steps will also help in losing those few extra pounds which can also be extremely helpful in the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

A protectant can be used to avoid irritation to the rectal area. This protectant will work as a barrier between the already irritated anal area and stool, in a bowel movement to prevent further pain and irritation.

A few recommended protectants can be Cocoa Butter, Lanolin, Petroleum Jelly or Mineral Oil.

The use of natural home remedies for internal or external hemorrhoids is a treatment that should be added to your list of best remedies. Natural remedies work at the root of the problem, have little to no side effects and work quick and easy at your convenience because many can be found in your home. - 16004

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How Serious Are Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

By Heather-Jane Hunter

When people find blood seeping from the rectum for the first time they usually get frightened and become afraid, and fair enough too " it is not a pleasant thing to experience.

Luckily, in most cases the blood is the result of bleeding hemorrhoids. While bleeding hemorrhoids are not a problem to be taken lightly, they are also not as serious as other conditions that result in anal bleeding.

Take care in diagnosing your hemorrhoids. Be sure that they are in fact hemorrhoids by checking all the symptoms of hemorrhoids thoroughly (or even better " see a medical professional). In some cases hemorrhoids can be confused with much more dangerous conditions such as rectal cancer, colon cancer and a range of other horrible diseases.

One of the differences between bleeding hemorrhoids and the range of other illnesses that have similar symptoms is that blood from bleeding hemorrhoids will always be bright red. If you have an internal hemorrhoid you will most likely see blood on the stools on in the pan. Blood due to external hemorrhoids will most likely be found on the toilet paper. In the case that you have an external hemorrhoid you may feel some form of obstruction on your anus.

Bleeding hemorrhoids can cause a lot of discomfort and frustration but unless they are coupled with another serious condition or become infected, they are not dangerous. Hemorrhoids begin to bleed when the swollen tissue bursts or tears which most commonly happens when passing a stool. Both internal and external hemorrhoids bleed in this way.

Hemorrhoids that are left untreated can sometimes bleed for weeks. This puts you at risk of infecting the hemorrhoid and it will undoubtedly become more painful. The easiest way to cure hemorrhoids is by taking action as soon as you diagnose the problem.

Surgery, creams and lotions, and natural remedies are the most common ways to treat hemorrhoids. Surgery is usually reserved for extreme cases of hemorrhoids as it is the most expensive and painful option. While creams and lotions can provide pain relief, it is often only temporary. Creams and lotions work to cure the symptoms of hemorrhoids instead of focusing on strengthening the weaknesses that led to hemorrhoids. Natural hemorrhoid cures are by far the most effective in treating hemorrhoids. They provide fast and effective relief against pain as well as curing the bleeding hemorrhoids. Unlike other hemorrhoid cures, natural treatments have no nasty side effects.

The product that is most effective in providing fast pain relief as well as a permanent hemorrhoid cure is H Miracle. H Miracle is a home based treatment plan (which means you dont need to have consultations with doctors) that cures the root causes of bleeding hemorrhoids, not just the symptoms. H Miracle provides very effective solutions for fast pain relief as well quick treatment of the problem. A couple of links are provided below if you want to find out more about H Miracle and hemorrhoids in general. - 16004

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You can beat anxiety

By Kathy Nelson

Anxiety doesn't appear at a time that is convenient for you, often your anxiety attacks will be a total surprise to you and your loved ones. Anxiety attacks affect the whole family not just the person who suffers the actual attack.

When you get into a panic or have extreme anxiety instead of running from the situation, try taking on the feelings of the anxiety and work through it. It can help you to overcome your fear of certain situations. When you become anxious if you run from the situation then your mind will win.

Running away from the things that cause you anxiety is a understandable reaction, if you don't have to deal with it then it can't bother you can it? The problem with running away is that the problem or situation isn't gone and the chances are you will have to face it again.

Sometimes it is just a matter of understanding that your fears can't hurt you, andthat your feelings of anxiety won't hang around forever. Every time you feel anxious you have the opportunity to take on the situation by yourself. It may sometimes scare you to do this, but it can not hurt you.

You have to realize that anxiety and panic can't stay around forever. If you can learn to accept your anxiety then this can help it to disappear. Do not let your anxiety take control of your life to the point that you are scared to do anything.

While your insides may feel like they are going to explode in a ball of panic and fear, the people around you will not know that. There is no need to worry about anyone knowing you are anxious about the social situation. You are in control, no one will know you have a social anxiety disorder unless you let them know.

Positive thinking will help you in your battle against anxiety and panic. It can be hard to be positive when you are feeling a mixture of anxiety, fear and sometimes abject panic. As hard as it is to think positive thoughts it is vital that you do so.

You can not beat any illness until you accept that you have it, it is real and you need to do something about it. You know the people and places that cause you to have anxiety attacks, face them one at a time and deal with them one at a time. - 16004

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Creative Ways To Do Lose Stomach Fat Exercise

By Barry Miller

When it comes to getting rid of those unwanted fats around your waist, exercise is still the best way to go. Moving around your body instead of lazing on the couch all day improves your blood circulation and makes you feel more pumped up. Participating in physical activities will also give you the opportunity to impress your loved ones. So what are you waiting for? Try "lose stomach fat exercise" to help you achieve that impressive and stunning abs.

Pump some 'iron'. Lifting weights is one of the best "lose stomach fat exercises." Working out with chest presses, dumb bells, and lat pulldowns enables your abdominal muscles to work overtime. It strengthens your core muscles, which are located in your abdomen, hips, and lower back. By pumping iron regularly, who knows, you might be inching closer towards your dream of having a six-pack abs. However, do remember that overdoing it will not help as you also need to tone the muscles in the other parts of your body. Your abdominal muscles also need some rest after a day of working out because once you push yourself too much; it may take some time before you could return to your healthy regimen.

Contrary to popular belief, exercising your abdominals alone will not produce those six-packs. Having a full-body workout is the way to go. Fitness experts said the human body is like a car engine in a sense that the car goes faster when it burns more fuel. Moving around all of your muscles requires a lot of energy so the more muscles you use, the more calories you burn. Here are a few tips on how you can achieve a flab-less stomach.

Exercise, Relaxation and Fun When you make it a habit to do such lose stomach fat exercise, you may begin liking it. Thus, it eventually becomes effortless on your part. To enjoy it more, why not consider it as a form of relaxation. It could be a good way to relieve some stresses and anxieties brought by hectic schedules and work pressures.

Aside from the lose stomach fat exercise, you should also watch the amount of food that goes into your mouth. Eating nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other food that are high in vitamins could also help you acquire those washboard abs. In addition, drinking lots of water and avoiding junk foods that are high in calories can boost the effect of the lose stomach fat exercise. These tips can motivate you to shed those extra pounds, aren't they? - 16004

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Important Facts to Consider About Carbs

By Ricardo d Argence

You'll find that when you are interested in weight loss that the question of carbs comes up quite quickly, whether you are trying to shed those last few pesky pounds or you are looking at making drastic lifestyle change. When you are on a low carb diet you have a wide selection of foods available to select from, there are many foods in the market claiming they are low in carbs.

Do you know what carbs are and what information on them would help you in taking a decision? Does cutting them out really cause you lose weight?

Initially, it is important that you are aware of what carbohydrates actually are. Carbohydrates, generally referred to as carbs, are very important in providing energy to the body.

There are two kinds of carbohydrates. Sugars -simple carbohydrates- are the first. There are also starches, also called complex carbohydrates. The difference between them is that your body spends more time digesting one than the other. Sugars are processed through your digestion much faster than starches. Simple carbs are foods such as pizza, chocolate, cake, and other processed food with sugar additives. Certain highly nutritious fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes, and raisins fall in the category of simple carbohydrates too.

Complex carbs are found in breads, cereals, nuts, pasta, and vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and corn. Since starches take longer to digest, they release energy more slowly and will make it last longer throughout your body.

Both simple carbs and complex carbs are necessary for your body to function correctly, as you might expect. Consider that sometimes you feel immediate need for a quick energy boost, but you also need the foods that help you to maintain a steady metabolism.

The best way to make sure that you keep your energy going with simple carbs is to have a bit of fruit in the morning to get you started and eating well rounded meals that have good complex carbs in them. You store energy in the form of fat when you eat too many carbs. That's the reason why we gain weight.

Bearing this in mind, diets that claim to help cut your carb intake need careful scrutiny. People's problems with carbohydrates arise when they eat to much of them.

Unless there is a problem with your body's ability to cope with it, cutting a whole food group out is a poor idea. Keep in mind that while carb reduced diets can help to a certain extent, that's happening because you are in fact cutting back. That's not a healthy way to lose that extra pounds! So, you know now that carbs can be good or bad for your body. It all depends on how much of them you consume.

What you should do, instead of cutting carbs, is just eat them in moderation and get a lot of exercise. Exercise can go a long way towards getting you the right kind of weight loss that you need, particularly when you are eating well, and it will help you get toned up and looking great. This is an important part of getting the body you want. - 16004

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Kettle Bells and Free Weights Have Many Advantages

By Julia Channel

As a recent article stated, lots of the gyms in Britain now contain free weights and kettle bells. Many trainers have seen the simplicity and advantage to having a set of free weights available out front, instead of in the backs of gyms where they used to be hidden. Anybody can benefit from using free weights, because they come in styles and weights that are great for any level of athletic performance or exercise.

Also, with size and space for exercise equipment becoming a determining factor, the advantage of incorporating free weights into a workout routine is increasingly obvious.

Think about the benefits of free weights. With their variable weight and size, they can be utilised for toning and developing muscle as well as training for strength and stamina. Free weights can be used in conjunction with units like workout benches and sit-up racks. The size also allows for differences in shape and style so that some of them may be more fitting for female athletes or those with special needs. Additionally, you can work a single side or both sides together.

The Russian kettle bell is one free weight which has seen a significant popularity increase. As reported on, there are lots of options you have with a kettle bell; everything from weight lifting to stretching.

When you imagine a kettle bell, think of a great big ball with a handle on top. Training with kettle bells has become quite popular in many basic routines incorporating a full-body workout.

With the various weight rack styles available, the free weights have begun to appear throughout the gym instead of in one specific corner. Some gyms have begun incorporating a popular x-shape design for smaller racks to be placed throughout the facility, while others have racks that are especially designed to attach to the workout equipment they complement the most.

Training facilities are devoted to personal fitness, so you can expect the most advanced and most effective tools to provide you with the best workout. If your trainer doesnt use free weights yet, ask about how these amazing tools can help you to achieve the best workout for your individual requirements. - 16004

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Anxiety attacks can be started by stress

By Kathy Nelson

Being married can help reduce all sorts of illness for men, it has long been said that married men live longer than their unmarried counterparts. There have been enough studies on this for us to know it is true that marriage helps us deal with both physical and mental illness better.

As we enter into tough financial times in our present economy the pressures that we all face on a regular basis due to financial problems which occur in every family from time to time will increase. America is currently seeing the highest amount of foreclosures since records started being kept and this along with fears of job downsizing causes worry and stress to the best of us.

The TV news is full of reports of foreclosures, lower wages and job cuts that are happening all over the USA. These reports cause me some anxiety and I know that my house is safe and so is my job. If you know that your family is under some additional financial pressure and your partner has a history of anxiety then you must pay even more close attention to them than ever before.

A job loss, medical bills piling up and foreclosure looming can push the best of us towards panic and anxiety, as a married couple you should be willing to work together and face these financial problems and discuss the panic that can be caused by financial worries.

How will you know if the financial pressures are pushing your partner towards an anxiety attack? Well you should be able to notice changes in the way they behave around you and also the way they behave in the lead up to social situations and during the social situations themselves.

Blaming each other for the situation you are currently in will not help you at all. Blaming each other will just mean that you spend even longer arguing and fighting before you come around and start dealing with the situation as it is rather than how you wish it was.

Once you have started to talk about the anxiety then you can arrange to go and see a Dr together, the Dr may not want the partner who is not suffering in the actual meeting but you should go along for support at the very least.

Remember that your marriage is more important than any property, you can always get another house while it is a lot harder to build up the love and friendship that comes with years of marriage. - 16004

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How to Cure Bleeding Piles

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Bleeding piles occur most commonly inside the rectal canal but they can occur externally as well. Bleeding piles can indicate a serious amount of damage to the affected area. Bleeding piles are a sign that the hemorrhoid has developed significantly and corrective action must be taken.

Piles can affect anyone (young children included), and in fact they affect approximately 60% of the Western population at least once in their lives. Roughly 4% of people suffer from varying degrees of piles, some of them from severe bleeding piles.

Piles can often develop in people who suffer bouts of extreme constipation or diarrhea. Likewise, piles can develop in pregnant women, before or after childbirth. Piles are also common amongst people aged between 45 " 65 years old.

Piles are not the only cause of anal bleeding. If the blood you notice is a darker red, then chances are it has been caused by a different problem. In this case you should see a doctor immediately. If the blood is a bright red color, then it has probably be caused by piles.

Sufferers of bleeding piles need to increase their daily intake of fiber. Fiber can be found in good quantities in foods such as fruit, cereals, and vegetables. By increasing fiber intake stools soften which makes them easier to pass through the anal canal. A lack of fiber in the diet promotes constipation and pain during bowel movement. Increasing fiber intake is a good start when trying to cure piles but this alone will not be sufficient to cure piles entirely.

A range of medical procedures can be used to treat piles, these include:

1. Rubber Band Ligation " This is a procedure where a rubber band is tightened around the bas e of the pile to restrict blood flow. This eventually causes the pile to disappear.

2. Sclerotherapy " A hardening liquid is injected into the pile which causes the pile to waste away naturally.

3. Laser or Infrared Coagulation " This technique destroys the piles by zapping them with a laser. This process is not used frequently these days.

4. Hemorrhoidectomy " this procesdure is reserved for extreme cases of piles. It has a very long healing time and can be very painful for the patient.

If you would prefer to avoid surgery, other home based cures for bleeding piles have been proven to be very effective and offer fast treatment.

Natural pile treatments such as those offered by H Miracle are actually a more effective form of treatment for piles than surgery. They carry far less risks and no painful side effects. H Miracle has cured bleeding piles in thousands of individuals of all ages. The H Miracle website (see link below) claims that some sufferers of bleeding hemorrhoids have been cured in as little as 48 hours, while this is hard to believe, there is a lot of very positive feedback from ex sufferers about this treatment.

Natural treatments (and in particular H Miracle) have been receiving a lot of praise in recent times due to the phenomenal success rate amongst ex hemorrhoid sufferers. Dont wait for your bleeding piles to get even worse " take action today and heal them for good. Visit the links below for much more information about piles as well as telling you exactly what you need to do to start treating your piles now. - 16004

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Natural Bodybuilding, The Best Muscle Building Method

By Ricardo d Argence

When you are in a place where you want a better body and just to be healthier all around, it is time for you to take a look at Natural Bodybuilding. Natural Bodybuilding is the process of losing fat, gaining muscle and generally being healthier without resorting to things like anabolic steroids or HGH.

You are putting your health and your progress on the line when you take a substance. Whenever you want to see an improvement in the ability to maintain the shape that you are in, you must turn to Natural Bodybuilding

Natural Bodybuilding is throwback to something much more basic. After all, in nature, we do not require steroids or HGH to build up our muscles. The reason why we developed our muscles is because we needed them and because the food that we eat can encourage the growth of our muscles.

With that in mind, it is easy to see why Natural Bodybuilding is so good for you. By taking things at a pace your body can process you are in a place where you can make certain that your body is going to be able to advance and keep the figure that you worked to get it into.

Remember that Natural Bodybuilding is something that takes a holistic approach towards the work that you are doing. You need to make sure that you are monitoring what you are eating and how it is affecting you. For Natural Bodybuilding, you'll find that for the most part, your foods will break down into 30% protein, 20% healthy oils and 50% natural carbohydrates.

You'll also find that you will be avoiding things that are overly sugary and overly processed as well. When you eat too many sugars and consume too many processed foods, you will find that you will be putting on fat rather than muscle. Instead, concentrate on proteins and what they can do for you. Natural protein is literally the only way that you can heal up the torn muscle fiber that results when you work out a lot.

There's a couple of things you must never forget: first, there are no easy routes to Natural Bodybuilding. Second, this program will allow you to make significant yet natural changes to your life. Rather than something that is going to go away the minute that you break a cycle, it will be real progress.

This is strength that is being created in a healthy way, rather than in a way that will leave your body angry or wounded, and this is something worth considering.

It is very important to work towards the body that you want, and while there are a lot of different ways to get there, make sure that you take a look at Natural Bodybuilding and see what it can do for you! - 16004

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