Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Case Study: How Sam Beat Hemorrhoids

By Heather-Jane Hunter

After getting a lot of positive comments about how useful people found my last case study, I decided to share another story with you " at the very least youll know you are not alone in fighting hemorrhoids!

This story is based around a 52 year old man named Sam who come from Dallas, Texas. Sam runs his own furniture removal business. When I found this out I wasnt surprised to hear he had gotten hemorrhoids as lifting heavy weights is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Sam has had 3 separate cases of hemorrhoid in the past 5 years. The first 2 were relatively minor and healed without any assistance in 5 " 6 days, the most recent however happened at a time when Sam was so busy at work he had no time to stop working, not even to ease up a little.

By not resting as he should have, Sams hemorrhoid quickly worsened to the stage that he could no longer work, he struggled just to walk around the house let along carry fridges onto a truck! The heavy lifting he had done had added a lot of pressure to the hemorrhoid which is why it got worse.

While Sam was searching for more information about hemorrhoids on the internet, he found one of my older articles which compared 3 different products that could be used to treat hemorrhoids. In that particular article I recommended H Miracle.

Sam purchased H Miracle and within 7 days had fully cured his hemorrhoid and was back at work. Sam was so delighted with how quickly he had healed his hemorrhoid that he tracked that article down and sent me a private message saying thanks!

What Sam went through was avoidable. He should have stopped lifting the heavy weights the moment he noticed something was wrong. To his credit, Sam did eventually take action and cured himself in no time at all.

An extra tip I gave Sam after he made contact with me was to exhale when lifting heavy objects and inhale when lowering them. By doing this he can help limit his blood pressure and reduce the chance of a hemorrhoid occurring.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids or know someone that does, you may benefit from reading my other case study (see link below) and visiting the site mentioned below for more information about hemorrhoids. - 16004

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