Monday, January 26, 2009

Top Appetite Suppressor Techniques and Methods

By Therese Zachary

You could use an appetite suppressor if you are on a weight loss program. There are however a couple of techniques and methods to consider. You would have to find the one that will work well for you. Here are some methods you can try:

Change Food Choices

Healthy Food - Eating a nutritious diet is always a good idea. This means eating the kinds of foods that are low in fat and simple sugars and high in vitamins and minerals. You should also avoid processed food and junk food. To successfully suppress your appetite however, you also need to change your food preferences. Some foods like apples, oatmeal, green vegetables and flaxseed for example are rich in fiber. They take longer to digest so you are less likely to look for food at different times of the day.

Modify Eating Practices

Eating Schedule - The way you eat or your schedule for eating may also affect your appetite. Skipping meals for example may increase your inclination to eat more at odd hours of the day. So can eating large infrequent meals. If you change your habits and ate all your major meals or ate frequent small meals, you could reduce your craving for food. Other eating practices that you should consider adopting include eating salads and drinking soup and water before a meal.

Take Appetite Suppressants

Appetite Reduction - There are some appetite suppressor medications available. These medicines however have to be prescribed. This is because some people who are under certain types of medication or who have underlying medical conditions may not be good candidates for suppressant medication. Prescription is also required because some of these medicines can lead to side effects or even dependence. A doctor?s advice is needed to ensure the proper and safe use of medication.

It should also be noted that appetite suppressants are not meant for long term use. They should not also be used as the only methods for weight loss. These medications are only meant to assist individuals into adjusting to a new weight loss or diet program.

Strengthen Your Inner Mind

Meditation Technique - Appetite suppression is also possible through meditation. This technique is often used to promote relaxation but it can also be modified to promote stronger willpower to resist the temptation to eat. Naturally, this technique requires careful supervision to be both successful and safe. The disadvantage of this technique is that there are some individuals who have very strong cravings that may easily overpower whatever is achieved in a meditation session.

Take Natural Supplements

Natural Options - A final option would be to take a natural supplement such as those containing Caralluma. Caralluma is a plant that has been known for its ability to suppress the appetite. It is important to make sure though that you have a reputable brand. Make sure it really contains Caralluma and that it is all natural to reduce your risk of experiencing side effects. - 16004

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