Thursday, January 29, 2009

Treat Insomnia by First Knowing the Symptoms

By Rose K Taylor

Is someone in your home having difficulty getting a good night's sleep? Are they up and about all night? Is crankiness or irritability present at the breakfast table? It's possible a family member is experiencing insomnia.

There is more than one type of insomnia that could be affecting someone in your home.

Short-term, also called transient insomnia is a lack of sleep due to environmental factors, such as noise, light, stress, etc. Making some changes to your routine and surroundings can reduce the amount of insomnia you experience.

Chronic insomnia is also known as long-term insomnia. Those who have chronic insomnia have been without a restful sleep for a matter of weeks or months. Disorders like restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea can contribute to long-term insomnia. Medical intervention to treat these disorders usually returns sleep to normal.

Even though anyone can develop a case of insomnia, like they can develop a case of stomach flu or a headache, some age groups have a harder time of it than others. Remember being a teenager? Puberty can contribute to sleepless nights through changing biorhythms. Losing several hours of sleep at night can't be recouped when there is school the next say. The elderly experience insomnia also.

What are the symptoms of insomnia? If you are an insomniac, you may experience waking several times at night, waking up earlier than usual in the morning, and lying in bed for hours unable to fall asleep or if you fall asleep, to stay asleep.

Over time, insomnia affects the body and the mind. Not sleeping at night and trying to function during the day has its consequences. Insomniacs can suffer from GI problems, reduced immunity, heart-related issues, high blood pressure, and changes in their weight.

Insomnia can severely interfere with daily tasks and responsibilities of work, school, and home life. It's important to be able to recognize the symptoms and understand the treatments available to get the best night's sleep possible. - 16004

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