Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eat and Lose Body Fat, Nutritional Facts About Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

Anywhere you look; today you can find someone offering to sell you the latest fat loss plan or gizmo. From pills and shakes too little electro attachments all aimed at one thing the fat on your body. Sounds good, right? Eradicate fat from our bodies by burning it off or eliminating it from our diets. The problem is there is actually some fat that we need in order to remain healthy the body has a required fat content and consumption. Yes, you heard correctly.

While we are all trying desperately to lose excessive amounts of weight it is important that we understand that a small amount of fat is actually good for us. Fat cells help regulate hormones, provide energy stores, and cushion our internal organs.The problem then is not in the presence of fat but the amount. When we cross, the three percent threshold is when a necessary part of the body becomes dangerous.

There are basically two types of fat that you receive from your diet good and bad. Good fats are called Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fats and bad fats are Saturated or Trans fats. The latter we need to avoid while the former is an essential part of a balanced diet. Things like omega 3 fatty acids are essential to the human body however; the body is unable to manufacture it. Therefore, we must get it from our diet.

You don't want to have to guess which foods contain healthy kinds of fat. Instead, you need to learn which foods to eat and which to avoid. Examples of good fat foods are nuts, avocados, sunflower seeds and fish oil.

The kind of fat you should avoid will be contained in deep fat fried foods and heavily preserved foods. A short list of examples would look something like eggs, cheese, french fries and potato chips. When we eat high levels of saturated or tran's fats we can run into health problems in a hurry.

Tran's fats tend to have a doubly bad effect on the body, it increases the amounts of bad cholesterol in the body while at the same time lowering the good cholesterol.

Fat storage adds weight to your midsection and also has an overall adverse impact on your health. Besides having high cholesterol you are prone to the risk of having diabetes, stroke and heart attack. The simple solution is to cut back on bad fats and exercise more in order to reduce your risk of these as well as additional health problems. - 16004

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