Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Before You Try Out a New Green Superfood Product, Read This

By Lenette Nakauchi

Elements for Life, a 100% raw organic superfood company, has come together with Dr. Jameth Sheridan, founder of Healthforce Nutritionals, to create Revitaphi. Adding this superfood green powder to your diet can make getting in all those super vegetables, super herbs, and more into your diet easy and convenient. Revitaphi is an organic and wild-crafted (meaning beyond organic) food containing over 21 raw, dried, and powdered foods in addition to enzymes, probiotics, and six incredible ancient herbs known for their adaptogenic properties. Benefits of this superfood are an increased body PH, a higher flow of oxygen to the blood and brain, a buffer of stress protection, weight management, a feeling of rejuvenation, and an increase in physical energy.

Revitaphi and other high-quality, filler-free superfood powders play a critical part in the mainstream diet of today. Benefits can be similar if not better than taking a whole food multi-vitamin, except they are easier to digest and assimilate and have a broader range of ingredients. It has been said by Gary Null, a doctor and international expert in health sciences and nutrition, that these superfood powders are crucial because they can help correct past deficiencies, meet today's nutritional needs, and ensure you have enough in your reserves for the future.

Six different herbs with adaptogenic properties are integrated into Revitaphi. These ancient herbs are Moringa Olifera, Indian Tulsi, Ashwaganda, Gotu Kola, Ginko Biloba, and Ho Shu Wu, also known as Fo-Ti. Adaptogens are plant-based foods that can help the body resist daily stresses, traumas, and fatigue. If you are tired, they can give you a boost, or if you are over-stimulated, they can help calm you're body down. Other ingredients that make Revitaphi stand out among other superfood green powders are it's full spectrum of probiotics and enzymes. These improve digestion and assimilation.

Moringa Olifera is a small, fast-growing tree found in the tropics. It was recently identified by the World Vegetable Center in Taiwan as the vegetable with the highest nutritional value among 120 types of food species studied. They found that 100 grams of fresh Moringa leaves provide the same amount of protein as an egg, more iron than a steak, as much Vitamin C as an orange, and as much calcium as a glass of milk. The leaves also have 4-6 times as much calcium as spinach. Moringa Olifera grows throughout the developing world and has been used to reduce child malnutrition in India.

Indian Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is the second Ayurvedic herb ingredient in Revitaphi and is considered the #1 adaptogen in the whole Ayurvedic medicinal system of 10,000 herbs! Ashwaganda is next and is closely related to the superfood goji berry and can be found throughout the world. It is often referred to as the ginseng of the Ayurvedic system.

Two amazing brain foods in this superfood blend are Gotu Kola and Ginko Biloba. Gotu Kola nourishes lobes of the brain, and can improve memory. Ginko Biloba is the last surviving member of a family of trees that once dominated the entire earth. These trees can live to be 1000's of years old. The hardiness of this plant is what tells us it is an adaptogen. Bi-loba can actually refer to both lobes of our brain. The leaves of the Ginko tree used in Revitaphi.

Ho Shu Wu, or Fo-Ti, is also included. Ho Shu Wu is known as a shield against stress, a bliss-enhancer, and prized adaptogenic herb in China. The blissful feeling from certain neurotransmitters neuroepinephrine and dopamine in the body such as being raised.

It's easy to add in a superfood such as Revitaphi into your daily routine. You can add it to juices, water, coconut water, green smoothies, or fruit smoothies. You can sprinkle it on top of your salad and soups. Or you can make a salad dressing using some Revitaphi, oil or avocado, agave nectar, lemon juice, and a dash of salt. 1/2 to 1 tablespoon is plenty per serving. Revitaphi is stored at room termperature, no need to keep it in the fridge. - 16004

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