Saturday, January 31, 2009

How To Get A Flat Stomach The Right Way

By Jose Loni

The best way to get a flat stomach is with exercise. Regular exercise, training with increased intensity and interval training are key factors to getting a flat stomach. By increasing the frequency of exercise, intensity of your exercise program and incorporating interval sets, an oxygen debt will occur causing the body to increase its metabolism and burn fat longer.

The more we exercise, the more muscles we develop in our bodies. Muscles, by nature, require more fuel to function. Fuel sources include the food that we eat and excess body fat.

Regular physical workouts are necessary to spur our body to maintain a higher degree of metabolic activity in order to meet the greater demands of increased activity. The more disciplined and active we are, the more our body maintains its increased metabolic rate.

An intensive workout is determined by training within our target heart rate zone. Training within that intensity will yield the best results because our body is made to work harder, allowing us to get a flat stomach faster.

Training in bursts of energy raises our metabolism by constantly challenging our muscles to work at a higher level to meet the sudden bursts in energy demand. Because the muscles are constantly being unexpectedly called to work and perform, they are in a state of preparation rather than rest, and therefore, use up more fuel in the form of excess fats.

In addition, using weights while doing this type of training burns fat even more effectively. Our muscles work harder when weights are used in rapid bursts, and then letting them rest and recover. When we repeat this cycle a few times, the muscles will get hungry for more fuel in order to sustain the intense training.

Basically, engaging in these types of workouts lead the muscles to go into something known as oxygen debt. This occurs when carbon dioxide and lactic acid builds up in the muscles. Now, our body has to work harder at supplying more oxygen to the muscles so it can clear away the lactic acid and other waste products that have built up. This nourishes and allows the muscles to recover.

So, in order to get a flat stomach in 3 stages, we need to commit to regular physical workouts, high intensity workouts, and interval training. Doing these will benefit our body by letting it burn fat very efficiently and ultimately, getting us a flat stomach. - 16004

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