Thursday, January 29, 2009

How Serious Are Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

By Heather-Jane Hunter

When people find blood seeping from the rectum for the first time they usually get frightened and become afraid, and fair enough too " it is not a pleasant thing to experience.

Luckily, in most cases the blood is the result of bleeding hemorrhoids. While bleeding hemorrhoids are not a problem to be taken lightly, they are also not as serious as other conditions that result in anal bleeding.

Take care in diagnosing your hemorrhoids. Be sure that they are in fact hemorrhoids by checking all the symptoms of hemorrhoids thoroughly (or even better " see a medical professional). In some cases hemorrhoids can be confused with much more dangerous conditions such as rectal cancer, colon cancer and a range of other horrible diseases.

One of the differences between bleeding hemorrhoids and the range of other illnesses that have similar symptoms is that blood from bleeding hemorrhoids will always be bright red. If you have an internal hemorrhoid you will most likely see blood on the stools on in the pan. Blood due to external hemorrhoids will most likely be found on the toilet paper. In the case that you have an external hemorrhoid you may feel some form of obstruction on your anus.

Bleeding hemorrhoids can cause a lot of discomfort and frustration but unless they are coupled with another serious condition or become infected, they are not dangerous. Hemorrhoids begin to bleed when the swollen tissue bursts or tears which most commonly happens when passing a stool. Both internal and external hemorrhoids bleed in this way.

Hemorrhoids that are left untreated can sometimes bleed for weeks. This puts you at risk of infecting the hemorrhoid and it will undoubtedly become more painful. The easiest way to cure hemorrhoids is by taking action as soon as you diagnose the problem.

Surgery, creams and lotions, and natural remedies are the most common ways to treat hemorrhoids. Surgery is usually reserved for extreme cases of hemorrhoids as it is the most expensive and painful option. While creams and lotions can provide pain relief, it is often only temporary. Creams and lotions work to cure the symptoms of hemorrhoids instead of focusing on strengthening the weaknesses that led to hemorrhoids. Natural hemorrhoid cures are by far the most effective in treating hemorrhoids. They provide fast and effective relief against pain as well as curing the bleeding hemorrhoids. Unlike other hemorrhoid cures, natural treatments have no nasty side effects.

The product that is most effective in providing fast pain relief as well as a permanent hemorrhoid cure is H Miracle. H Miracle is a home based treatment plan (which means you dont need to have consultations with doctors) that cures the root causes of bleeding hemorrhoids, not just the symptoms. H Miracle provides very effective solutions for fast pain relief as well quick treatment of the problem. A couple of links are provided below if you want to find out more about H Miracle and hemorrhoids in general. - 16004

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