Thursday, January 29, 2009

How to Cure Bleeding Piles

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Bleeding piles occur most commonly inside the rectal canal but they can occur externally as well. Bleeding piles can indicate a serious amount of damage to the affected area. Bleeding piles are a sign that the hemorrhoid has developed significantly and corrective action must be taken.

Piles can affect anyone (young children included), and in fact they affect approximately 60% of the Western population at least once in their lives. Roughly 4% of people suffer from varying degrees of piles, some of them from severe bleeding piles.

Piles can often develop in people who suffer bouts of extreme constipation or diarrhea. Likewise, piles can develop in pregnant women, before or after childbirth. Piles are also common amongst people aged between 45 " 65 years old.

Piles are not the only cause of anal bleeding. If the blood you notice is a darker red, then chances are it has been caused by a different problem. In this case you should see a doctor immediately. If the blood is a bright red color, then it has probably be caused by piles.

Sufferers of bleeding piles need to increase their daily intake of fiber. Fiber can be found in good quantities in foods such as fruit, cereals, and vegetables. By increasing fiber intake stools soften which makes them easier to pass through the anal canal. A lack of fiber in the diet promotes constipation and pain during bowel movement. Increasing fiber intake is a good start when trying to cure piles but this alone will not be sufficient to cure piles entirely.

A range of medical procedures can be used to treat piles, these include:

1. Rubber Band Ligation " This is a procedure where a rubber band is tightened around the bas e of the pile to restrict blood flow. This eventually causes the pile to disappear.

2. Sclerotherapy " A hardening liquid is injected into the pile which causes the pile to waste away naturally.

3. Laser or Infrared Coagulation " This technique destroys the piles by zapping them with a laser. This process is not used frequently these days.

4. Hemorrhoidectomy " this procesdure is reserved for extreme cases of piles. It has a very long healing time and can be very painful for the patient.

If you would prefer to avoid surgery, other home based cures for bleeding piles have been proven to be very effective and offer fast treatment.

Natural pile treatments such as those offered by H Miracle are actually a more effective form of treatment for piles than surgery. They carry far less risks and no painful side effects. H Miracle has cured bleeding piles in thousands of individuals of all ages. The H Miracle website (see link below) claims that some sufferers of bleeding hemorrhoids have been cured in as little as 48 hours, while this is hard to believe, there is a lot of very positive feedback from ex sufferers about this treatment.

Natural treatments (and in particular H Miracle) have been receiving a lot of praise in recent times due to the phenomenal success rate amongst ex hemorrhoid sufferers. Dont wait for your bleeding piles to get even worse " take action today and heal them for good. Visit the links below for much more information about piles as well as telling you exactly what you need to do to start treating your piles now. - 16004

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