Thursday, January 29, 2009

Anxiety attacks can be started by stress

By Kathy Nelson

Being married can help reduce all sorts of illness for men, it has long been said that married men live longer than their unmarried counterparts. There have been enough studies on this for us to know it is true that marriage helps us deal with both physical and mental illness better.

As we enter into tough financial times in our present economy the pressures that we all face on a regular basis due to financial problems which occur in every family from time to time will increase. America is currently seeing the highest amount of foreclosures since records started being kept and this along with fears of job downsizing causes worry and stress to the best of us.

The TV news is full of reports of foreclosures, lower wages and job cuts that are happening all over the USA. These reports cause me some anxiety and I know that my house is safe and so is my job. If you know that your family is under some additional financial pressure and your partner has a history of anxiety then you must pay even more close attention to them than ever before.

A job loss, medical bills piling up and foreclosure looming can push the best of us towards panic and anxiety, as a married couple you should be willing to work together and face these financial problems and discuss the panic that can be caused by financial worries.

How will you know if the financial pressures are pushing your partner towards an anxiety attack? Well you should be able to notice changes in the way they behave around you and also the way they behave in the lead up to social situations and during the social situations themselves.

Blaming each other for the situation you are currently in will not help you at all. Blaming each other will just mean that you spend even longer arguing and fighting before you come around and start dealing with the situation as it is rather than how you wish it was.

Once you have started to talk about the anxiety then you can arrange to go and see a Dr together, the Dr may not want the partner who is not suffering in the actual meeting but you should go along for support at the very least.

Remember that your marriage is more important than any property, you can always get another house while it is a lot harder to build up the love and friendship that comes with years of marriage. - 16004

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