Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back Pain Relief: Massage Chairs Provide Deep Tissue Massage

By Steve Esquire

Deep tissue massage is found to be effective at relieving more chronic pain conditions. Lighter massage techniques do not penetrate as deeply to be effective. When a deep tissue massage is applied, it targets the deeper layers of the muscles. Muscles breakdown when used. To restore flexibility and heal scar tissue, deep pressure and stroking is applied. The stroking and pressure stretch out the muscle tissues increasing their flexibility.

If you have suffered an injury, then you know that scar tissue has less elasticity than normal tissue. The elasticity can be restored by elongating and stretching the affected areas. Deeper muscles need this stretching action to rebuild and increase their range of motion. A deep tissue massage helps to break down scar tissue and increase elasticity in muscles and tissues.

Professional athletes receive deep tissue massages on a regular basis to restore their muscles, breakdown scar tissue and increase their mobility. This is especially critical after hard training and exercise. Professional athletes have regular access to obtain deep tissue massage therapy and thus can get the full benefit of the treatment. Those of us who are not professional athletes are at a significant disadvantage, since we may not have a massage therapist at our continuous disposal.

More studies have been performed on massage therapy and its benefits. What is common to all the studies is the need to obtain massages on a regular frequency. Your muscles are being worked out on a continuous basis, therefore, the relief of such activity must be on a continuous basis. Restoring flexibility and the elasticity of your muscles requires frequent deep tissue massage. This just makes sense. The challenge is how to get deep tissue massages frequently. Fortunately, massage chairs provide daily pain relief in the comfort and privacy of home.

Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace and deep tissue massage has been integrated into many of the premier massage chair brands. Companies like Panasonic, Omega Massage and others are pushing the limits with ever more varieties massage therapies into their chairs. These massage therapies include air compression, stretching, heating elements, music therapy to name a few. Software programs control all aspects of the deep tissue massage. The program starts the massage more superficially and then gradual works deeper into the muscles working out the tightness, pain and aches.

Massage chair companies like Panasonic and Omega Massage develop massage chairs to help relieve certain pain conditions. There are many ailments that plagued us. Simple things like using a mouse over time can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Although using a mouse is small movements, these small repetitive movements cause considerable pain and discomfort. The Omega Montage Premier Massage chair has an air compression massage just for the hands and forearm. This provides relief be helping to restore flexibility in the muscles.

Deep tissue massage is not for everyone. Since this massage specifically targets getting to the deep layers of the muscle, most people may feel sore the next day. This is normal as the massage has penetrated to the deeper layers to relieve tension. If this is a concern, then it is always advisable to ask your doctor if this type of massage is appropriate for you. Many health professionals are optimistic that with more studies being performed, that deep tissue massage will be shown to provide more significant benefits for chronic pain sufferers.

If you are like most people, then tension and anxiety build up slowly over time in the body. These tensions and anxieties needs to be released from the body over time as well. Deep tissue massage helps restore your muscles and tendons, but other massage techniques relieve tension and anxiety. The best massage chairs provide for full body massage therapy and come with a wide range of complimentary therapies. There is a terrific variety to meet every one of your massage therapy needs. - 16004

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