Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dieting Doesn't Burn Fat

By Jason King

Getting your diet right is the first part of any successful fat burning program. No exercise program can cover up a poorly planned diet. If you have a burger at lunchtime, 10 minutes extra cardio later on in the day doesn't work, and you will end up getting fatter.

Exercise is important when you're burning fat, and you must eat the right foods to give you the energy to exercise. A diet that has gotten a lot of media attention over the last few years is the low carb diet. And these fad diets have been backed by famous celebrities because of the rate in which they help you lose weight.

The problem with low carb diets is you lose muscle as well as fat, and this muscle loss causes your metabolism to slow down. While you're on the diet you'll be happy at the weight you're losing, but when you start eating a normal diet again the pounds will pile back on with extra weight as well.

You need to exercise to speed up your metabolism, and you need to eat carbs to have the energy to exercise. Carbohydrates are also a feel good food. Depression soon sets in when you cut carbs from your diet. And a diet is suppose to make you feel good.

Low fat diets are another fad diet. You only need to start cutting down on your fat intake is if you're suffering from an illness such as heart disease. Fat is as important as any other macro nutrient if your goal is to lose weight.

You don't get fat by eating too much fat. Healthy, unsaturated fats play an important part in helping your body burn the fat it has stored already. Your body's cells rely on healthy fats such as Omega 3's to regenerate themselves. Your brain is largely made of fat, and these fats are food for the brain as well. many vitamins are fat soluble so your body needs fat to store and transport these to the cells in your body.

Your muscles grow when you consume more protein which is why protein is important for weight loss. Your muscle get bigger when you feed them, And bigger muscles speed up your metabolism. Your metabolic rate needs to be increased in order for you to burn fat. With a higher metabolic rate your body will burn more calories even while you're resting.

On top of your food combining you need to introduce a good exercise program into your fat burning regime. Your muscles will start to grow when you exercise, and you also burn extra calories. When your muscles grow you increase your metabolism, and your body burns fat faster then you could have imagined. - 16004

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