Sunday, January 18, 2009

Elliptical vs Treadmills: Which One Burns More Calories?

By Torri Tompson

Home exercise equipment doesn't come cheap. So when you're looking to buy something to help you burn calories and lose weight, you want to know which piece of machinery will be most effective.

The two best selling pieces of exercise equipment are treadmills and elliptical trainers, but which one is actually best at burning the most calories? There is certainly a lot of argument with many people liking both pieces of equipment. However when it comes down to which is best for you to buy, there really is only one definitive answer.

Both machines are able to help you burn the same out calories, depending on how you exercise with them. Working out on an elliptical can burn as many calories as running on a treadmill.

Many people find that running on a treadmill is too intense for their joints - it is true that a workout on a treadmill can have a very deep impact on your body. If you find that you cannot run on a treadmill, then a workout on an elliptical can be just as effective at burning calories, and will have a lesser impact on your joints and muscles.

It really does all boil down to how you use your exercise machine. For example, by running for an hour on a treadmill at about 7 mph your body would use up approximately 783 calories. Now if you were to use an elliptical trainer for about an hour, you should burn around 774 calories, so the figures are more or less the same. However, if you were to use the treadmill set at only 3 mph you would only burn 297 calories, which is a huge difference!

However, this isn't a cut and dry formula. The number of calories you burn on an elliptical trainer can vary. Some people adopt a moderate approach to their workout on the elliptical, while others go at it full force.

You really need to ask yourself which machine you would prefer. Remember, you will only do you exercise if you are motivated and excited, if you find it boring to use a treadmill, you are not likely to keep up to your workout regime. Equally, if an elliptical does not inspire you, then you are better off with a treadmill.

If for example you love to walk, jog or run, then a treadmill would be an obvious choice for you. Treadmills let you get all the benefits of walking, without having to leave your home, which means you can get your exercise even if the weather is bad outside. However, if you really want to lose weight and burn those calories then you will have to be sure to use your treadmill at a suitable speed and set the incline to give yourself a more intense workout.

If you are someone who has experienced problems with the knees or ankle joints, or perhaps you just want to enjoy an exercise routine with a lower impact on your body, then an elliptical trainer is the machine for you. Elliptical trainers are also an excellent choice for the older person, as they are much gentler to the body while still making sure you burn calories. Perhaps if you have the space and can afford, you could even invest in both machines, allowing you to add an element of variety to your workouts. - 16004

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