Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Get a Killer 6-pack and Toned Abs

By Tony D. Martinez

Have you always desired magnificent six-pack abs and never achieved them, or did you have them in past and want to get them back? Wouldn't it be a great feeling if when you decide to take a break on a beach and you could take off your shirt without any hesitation and show the world your killer six-pack!

Unfortunately you're going to need to do more than just wish for great abs. If you really want a ripped stomach you need to actually do some work. Getting toned abs is probably not as difficult as you imagine but it will require commitment. The following tips will help you toward achieving the abs you've been dreaming about.

The first and most important thing is to ensure you have a varied workout plan. Plan a workout routine that gives you challenges on a daily basis. Having a routine that makes you comfortable or getting used to a set of exercises will not push your body enough to get the improvements you're after.

Your workouts should provide your body with challenges such that every day is at least as tough as the day before, if not tougher. After a period of doing the same routine your body will get used to the exercises you are doing. The most important factor is to change the exercises you are doing. Doing one set of exercises over and over again will not make any difference.

This change is also needed to keep your interest alive. It is no fun to follow the same routine daily. If you allow yourself to become bored then there is nothing to inspire and keep you interested. If you really want to succeed, do different exercises every now and then to hold your interest and avoid monotony.

You will also need to consider that you need to do more than just focus on abdominal exercises. Interestingly enough, one of the best ways to get the abs that you want is to consider getting a good full body exercise. The more muscle strength you have supporting your abdominal muscles and helping them work, the better off you are going to be. You'll also find that when you work your whole body that your resting metabolic rate is going to be higher than it would be if you were just working your abs, making your general weight loss much swifter.

Sleep is the other important factor that you need to focus on. Sleep is the time that body uses for self-maintenance. If you are not getting the required sleep, you are again going to face problems. When you exercise you damage your muscles. The body rebuilds these muscles when you sleep. So don't try to cut your sleeping hours; you need to sleep well to ensure a speedy growth in your efforts and results!

There is a wealth of information out there on getting toned abs. Perhaps the best tip that I can give you is to make sure that you have a planned schedule. Having this, and sticking to it, is for many people one of the biggest motivating factors. Before starting on your exercises be sure to do some research. Once you find a program that is suited to you, you've taken your first major step to getting that six-pack you've been dreaming of. - 16004

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