Monday, January 26, 2009

How To Lose Cellulite Rapidly

By John Alvino

"Cellulite" is a frightening term to most women. It is the ugliest form of body fat which tends to appear on or around the upper thighs and buttocks area and is usually described as looking like cottage cheese.

The sad truth is that cellulite is extremely difficult to get rid of once it appears. Cellulite is a form of body fat but traditional fat loss methods usually don't get rid of it. Even when following a strict diet and exercise regimine, cellulite will most commonly stay around your thigh and butt area preventing you from achieving the smooth appearance you desire.

Several different factors can cause the unsightly fat we know as cellulite. This type of fat is most commonly found among women which is why some experts believe that the hormone estrogen could play a part in it's development. Other experts have suggested that toxins in the body can be a leading cause of cellulite and/or simply carrying too much fat in the butt or thigh regions or other affected areas.

In order to delve into the cause and remedy of cellulite I have interviewed a world-renowned plastic surgeon whom specializes in liposuction. He has performed thousands of liposuction surgeries to help women rid themseleves of this unsightly fat so his opinion does carry some weight!

He says he has an explanation for the hideous "cottage cheese" look which is so commonly related to cellulite. Basically, the fat cells will begin to bulge and move to the skin's surface if your connective tissue flexibility is less than adequate.

Whether the cause of cellulite is from estrogen or toxins it's clear that there is no consensus of opinion on the topic. I personally think that the cause of cellulite is genetics but perhaps one of the theories mentioned above or a combination is/are the actual culprit(s)

Regardless of what the exact cause of cellulite formation may be, I have construced a fool-proof plan of attack against the much dreaded cosmetic nightmare! Here is my protocol in an easy to follow format:

1) Improve your collagen/elastin ratio. The easiest way to do this is to increase the number of foods you eat which contain high levels of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Oranges, strawberries, blackberries, boysenberries, and green leafy vegetables are particularly good sources.

2) Decrease levels of toxins in your body. The fastest way to do this is to up your water intake by consuming half of your bodyweight in ounces everyday.

3) Eliminate unneccesary toxins. Although some toxins just cannot be avoided (such as pollution) others can easily be eliminated from your body--and life. Drinking, smoking, and taking unneccesary medications are avoidable toxins you should be aware of and cutting back or cutting out of your daily routine.

4) Keep estrogen levels in check. Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables daily. Cruciferous vegetables such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain a substance named indole-3-carbinol (I3C). This substance has been shown to positively affect estrogen metabolism. In addition to this effect, these vegetables also assist in detoxifying the body.

5) Lose excess body fat the right way. Although cellulite has some unique characteristics, it is still body fat. So if you were to lose body fat correctly, you would minimize or completely lose that cottage cheese appearance.

Start with these tips regarding your diet: When facing the cellulite battle, make sure your insulin levels aren't too high-when this occurs cellulite isn't being burned properly. By eliminating processed foods, red meats, and sugar you are setting youself up for success! Ridding yourself of these foods will keep your insulin in onto exercise!

As you may know, "traditional" fat loss methods don't rid you of cellulite. This unfortunate truth is evident by the numerous aerobics instructors I have come to know who teach classes all week and STILL have unsightly cellulite. Although aerobic workouts are good for you, they are not best for cellulite removal.

Rather than focus all of your efforts on aerobic activity, incorporate high-intensity sprint training. Doing so will work your hamstrings and glutes while increasing your metabolism.

Couple this with resistance exercises that targets the affected area while simultaneously stimulating lean muscle, and you have a powerful exercise program that will enable you to lose cellulite quickly. Some of my favorite resistance exercises for losing cellulite are: KB Swings, Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts and Band Good Mornings.

Tired of seeing that pesky cellulite? Stick with my plan and I guarantee you will rid yourself of cellulite quickly and permanently! - 16004

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