Thursday, January 1, 2009

How to Slim Down and be Healthy

By Henry John

Its an alarming fact that too many of us forget that the most precious thing in our lives is us! We treat our bodies as if they can be replaced if something goes wrong, as if somehow they were disposable. Unfortunately, medical science has not yet discovered a way of replacing our bodies. What we have is all were going to get.

How is it that we take such little care of the most precious thing we possess? Shouldnt we take extra care over the way we look after our bodies? Surely our body and its welfare should be our top priority? It should be, but unfortunately it isnt.

How we are, how we look is a living example of how we think of ourselves. If you dont look after yourself it is crystal clear to everybody around you. You dont have to explain anything, your body tells all.

All of us in our heart of hearts know this, but somehow we do very little to resolve the problem. Yes, there are some excuses that can be made and there are circumstances that deflect our attention away from looking after ourselves properly, but we all need to be able to get our priorities right if we are to stay healthy.

If you are overweight then this is a sign that you are not paying your body enough attention. Being overweight is not usually something that occurs overnight. Its something that you have allowed to happen - for whatever reason.

To get healthy you need to break the cycle and identify why you are overweight. What are the bad habits that you have that have contributed to you being overweight? If you can identify these it will be an enormous help to you. It will also help you to become more self-aware.

Next you need to choose a program that will help you to make change and one that helps you to increase your fitness and gives you good, honest support as well. Making change is not as daunting as it sounds, in fact it is not difficult at all. Its all about learning new habits.

Having identified you bad habits you need to learn new ones. What you dont do is to try and change your bad habits. Successful behavior change is always best achieved by learning new habits. The only sure fire way to a slim, healthy life is to learn new habits " slim habits. Its also the key to permanent weight loss. - 16004

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