Friday, January 16, 2009

Is money and anxiety ruining your marriage?

By Kathy Nelson

Your wife will probably know there is something wrong with you that requires you to go see a Dr long before you even thing about it. Men who are not married have a significantly lower life expectancy then men who are married.

Most couples will experience some financial ups and downs at some point in their relationship. That is perfectly normal, but what really matters is how you deal with them. As a couple you must communicate your feelings , even the negative ones, with each other or they will sit there and fester until they explode.

The TV news is full of reports of foreclosures, lower wages and job cuts that are happening all over the USA. These reports cause me some anxiety and I know that my house is safe and so is my job. If you know that your family is under some additional financial pressure and your partner has a history of anxiety then you must pay even more close attention to them than ever before.

A job loss, medical bills piling up and foreclosure looming can push the best of us towards panic and anxiety, as a married couple you should be willing to work together and face these financial problems and discuss the panic that can be caused by financial worries.

During times of stress it can be difficult to work out what is normal behavior and what are the warning signs of a impending anxiety attack. If you notice your spouse showing signs of nausea, shaking and actively avoiding situations that they would previously have been happy to go to then it is time to discuss this with them and make an appointment to see a medical professional.

There is no shame to having feelings of anxiety and even panic, the only shame is if you know your partner is suffering and you don't do anything to help them deal with it. When you work together you have a much better chance of dealing with the anxiety and the root cause of it earlier and with less pain than if you just ignore it and hope it goes away.

If you don't discuss the anxiety that is affecting your spouse then they will not get better and it will carry on building up to a point where it will come out as a full blown anxiety attack that could end up with them in an emergency ward. Ignoring the situation will not make it go away.

When you wonder whether you should just let the anxiety attack take over and force you to pull even further back from your husband or wife, remember all the good and great times that you have had together. Anxiety can be beaten and so can money problems, you just need to decide to fight for the things you hold dear and get professional help. - 16004

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