Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Most Effective Ab Exercise For A Carved Midsection

By John Alvino

In order to get a shredded six pack, you must train and sculpt your abdominal musculature with effective ab exercises. But that's only half the battle!

To have your toned abs finally become visible, you must burn off the layer of fat that is covering this hidden treasure. Now let me share with you an ab exercise that causes you to achieve both of these goals simultaneously!

Most commonly performed ab exercises train the muscles in your midsection but do nothing to cause a fat loss effect. I prefer to use ab exercises that cause a fat burning effect, in addition to training the abdominal musculature directly.

I will now teach you an incredibly effective exercise that provides you with the dual effect that we spoke of above. This ab exercise is named the Parallel Bar Knee Raise. This is an awesome exercise but I must give you a fair warning. This is an advanced and relatively difficult to perform. You must have a reasonable amount of upper body strength before attempting it.

Parallel Bar Knee Raise- With locked elbows, support your body on parallel dip bars. Keep your upper body as upright as possible. Flex hips to a 90 degree angle. This is the starting position. From this position, bring knees up to chest and contract your abs. Return to starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

As I have mentioned, this is an advanced exercise. If you are unable to perform this exercise properly, I recommend starting off with less difficult exercises in order to achieve a solid base of required strength.

The best ab exercise to prepare you for the Parallel Bar Knee Raise is the progressive reverse crunch. Simply begin in a horizontal position and increase the angle of inclination as your abs become stronger, until you are able to properly perform the parallel bar knee raise.

Alright, good luck, and go get yourself some ripped abs! - 16004

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