Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Motivation Tips for Weight Loss, Week by Week

By Rowena French

It is often said the most successful weight loss programs are the ones where you 'finish the way you start' but doing this can be quite a challenge. We always start new health programs on a 'high' with great intentions and plenty of enthusiasm but as we continue our goals for weight loss week in week out can seem more difficult to achieve and the effort this requires, more demanding. We know however that despite this predictable drop in commitment and drive, there are reliable ways to keep focused and continue to reach our goals.

Locate a picture that reveals your true body shape when you were way too heavy and attach it to the door of your refrigerator. Make sure that it shows you at your very unhealthiest and is placed strategically near the door handle so that you will see it every time you are tempted to go hunt for a slice of cheesecake. Whenever you see your picture, remind yourself that you are changing and will soon have nothing in common with this photo except perhaps the attractive eyes!

Chart your success plan by including rewards when your weight loss calls for this. Work towards goals detailed clearly like 'When I have lost my first 10 pounds I will pamper myself with a day spa treatment'. When I wear the swimsuit on sale in the store, I'll take a week off from work for an island vacation or even 'When I lose 25 pounds and my face looks healthier, I will buy those diamond earrings I've been hankering after for years.

Begin your weight loss and enjoy the outcome of this across shorter timeframes as well as across the longer haul. Keep records of your diet progress and refer to these to enjoy the benefits of all your efforts and notice your increasing weight loss and your changing body shape week by week and over the longer time frame.

A blog can get you in touch with the world of like minded people who are trying to get into shape as you are and would love to share your experience. A blog is not only a successful way to keep you motivated and accountable but also a way to inspire others to do the same. So start up a blog today and enjoy the benefits of e-mails of support, suggestions that may help and heaps of encouragement for you to hang in there with your weight loss week by week.

The power of visual images during your weight loss week by week should never be underestimated. Visualize how you will look when you reach your gaol weight and find photos of images like this from advertisements or fashion mags. To stay focused on your healthy eating and exercise program, display these images anywhere you will see them in your bedroom or bathroom or at work as constant reminders of the final reward for all your efforts.

Read by going online or read books that detail the stories and successes of other people who have lost weight successfully. Reading about the success of others will help inspire you to keep going. After all, someday someone might be reading about your struggle with weight loss as a way to stay motivated and to stay on their diet!

Step outside your life of food plans and exercise programs. Adding variety to your exercise by joining a basketball team, taking a dance class or even doing some cross country skiing on the weekend. Regardless of the time of the year you can always find activities that will be fun in the first place as well as a good way to continue your weight loss week by week.

Stay away from people who do not support your weight loss or even worse undermine this. 'Friends' who encourage you to eat the very foods that you know cause you to stay fat are not your friends at all and should be avoided as you continue to make progress with your weight loss week after week. Never allow invitations to fast food restaurants or suggestions of a second serve or even a first serve of high calorie meals sway you from your goal to continue losing weight and be the healthy, happy person you are inside! - 16004

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