Thursday, January 22, 2009

What a Real Desperate Housewife Can Tell You about Weight Loss

By Dorthy Weatherbush

How in the world do they do it? A suburban housewife can manage to look better than even you did in your early twenties all while caring for her three kids. Her hair is perfectly groomed, her clothes impeccably tailored, and probably most upsetting is her beautiful youthful figure. The sad thing for us is that she experiences all the same stresses that we do on a daily basis, and yet still manages to look her best. There is good news for you though; you are about to uncover the secret to how housewives like this stay in such great shape. Mrs. Lajoie, a real desperate housewife has shared with us her real life beauty secrets.

As we sit down I cannot help but be struck by how stunning Mrs. Lajoie is. She is wearing a stylish sweat suit that you would expect to see a mother of three sporting, but her body does not show the signs of having had three kids. In fact, I'm struck by how toned and fit she looks for a mom of a toddler. My first question for her is how does she do it?

"I am always on the move, constantly on the go," she answered. She explained that she walks everyday, and tries to find inclines whenever possible. "One of my favorite things to do is walk the sidewalks in my neighborhood with the stroller. Not only do I get the benefit of added weight to my workout, but I also get to spend some time with the kids. All that exercise really jump starts my fat burning abilities." With all the walking, Mrs. Lajoie says that her legs are always in top notch conditioned, which is helpful when chasing behind her three kids.

At this time, Mrs. Lajoie get a phone call from her husband. She smiles once it's over as she hangs up the phone. I can only notice how she glows after years of marriage. "You're acting like a newlywed," I say " does your husband support your need for 'me' time?" She smiles and giggles a bit before responding. "He definitely does. I mean let's be frank. Men are very visual creatures naturally, so he loves that I look great. But it is so much more than just that. He really loves the confidence that I give off when I have been taking care of myself. The self-confidence makes me feel more attractive, which in turn makes me more attractive to him. Don't get it twisted, there are times that we are both busy and it gets really hard to handle the kids, but they are ours and we love them. We both desire to be strong role models for our kids, both in behavior and health. We therefore try to do alot of outdoor physical activity like roller blading, bike riding, playing at the park, and walking." I ask her, "Has it always been like this?" Mrs. Lajoie takes a moment's pause before continuing. This time she speaks more hesitantly. "Well honestly no. For a long time there, I got into a rut that many women face. I put on weight and stopped taking care of myself because I was unhappy with myself, which made my husband unhappy. It got so bad that I thought he was going to leave me. That was when I knew I had to do something to take back my life."

"How do you stay energized with the chaos of running a household?" I ask. "Yoga has truly changed my life. It is a wonderful way to tone your muscles, but it is more than that. It really keeps me calm, and centered throughout my busy week." While she admits that making time is a bit of a challenge for any mother, it has to be a top priority. If you can take some time for yourself, you will be helping your family in the long run. "I need time to refuel, to get re-energized," she says. "When I have that, I have higher tolerance levels and more enthusiasm, which is the kind of mom and wife I want to be. Although sometimes it may feel like I'm being selfish, I have to remind myself that by taking time for me, I am really helping my family."

Mrs. Lajoie glances at the clock and catches me noticing. "Oh excuse me," she smiles. "I'm always keeping track of the time to make sure that I am not missing anything. You have to keep a schedule when you are a busy person, and it must include workouts." Mrs. Lajoie has had her fair share of personal trauma, but she has been able to take control of her life, and now lives the life the many women only dream of. "What we women need to remember is that we are important and we have lots to give. We must take care of ourselves, not only for our sake, but so that we might be able to take care of our families. - 16004

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