Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why We Grind Our Teeth And How To Stop It

By Chris Channing

Grinding of the teeth, also known as Bruxism, is a preventable complication that can lead to severe dental problems. It is very important to be made aware of the symptoms of this topic, since ignoring the warning signs can lead to expensive procedures such as root canals, bridges, or crowns.

Teeth grinding is said to be caused by several things. Stress and lack of sleep are most commonly states as a factor, although things such as alcohol or drug consumption can help aid in the act. Foods or drinks that may contain caffeine should be avoided before bedtime, as they have been known to help cause this strange affliction. Clenching one's teeth in general is seen as a bad habit, and should be avoided.

Warning signs of teeth grinding should not be ignored. Most common are dull headaches that remain persistent, as well as a pain in the jaw. The clear indicator that something is wrong is pain in the teeth and tenderness of the jaw. Any type of bleeding that occurs overnight is also a sure sign that something isn't quite right. Since most symptoms indicate harm already done, usually some type or work is necessary.

Night guards are most effective in preventing further damage. The real goal, however, should be to fix the factors that have been attributing to the affliction. Removing stress, eating healthy, getting exercise, and finally getting sleep are all important points to address. While working on the right routine, having a night guard around is a good idea to prevent further damage.

Children who are showing signs of teeth grinding are usually within their norm. Children who are having new sets of teeth come in will start grinding them out of habit. This should stop completely after the permanent teeth have all arrived, and if it hasn't, proper dental care should be sought out. Just like adults, children can suffer from stress and lack of sleep as well.

The real solution to the problem here is going to be to solve what's truly causing the grinding. Studies show that teeth grinding is linked to anxiety, and that most who grind their teeth during the day have the problem at night as well. Try putting your tongue between your teeth each time you get the urge to grind your teeth- it will help teach good habits and prevent such things happening at night as well.

Final Thoughts

Weeks or even months of work may be required to become cured of a teeth grinding incident. Because of the lengthy time, one should consult a dentist for information on a night guard and for more tips on how to get around the reasons for teeth grinding in the first place. - 16004

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