Friday, January 9, 2009

Working On Your Arm Muscles

By Dave Vower

To increase the size of your muscles, you can use a number of resistance exercises that will target your biceps and triceps. It shouldn't matter where you choose to do your exercises. You can workout at home or in a gym and the results will be the same.

The exercises that you can use to increase the size of your arm muscles are dumbbell curls, standing barbell curls, incline curls, preacher curls and concentration curls. For beginners to these exercises it is important that you get some help with the technique that you will use. Doing the exercises with the wrong technique will not get you the results that you are after. You should also use care so that you do not injure yourself while you are doing these exercises.

The dead lift is great for back muscle building; it targets your lats, erector spinae, gluts and traps. The dead lift actually works 70% of all your muscles at the same time. In the dead lift exercise your lift the barbell off the ground and push it up. Form and technique are essential to learn before you begin using this exercise. There are also variations of the dead lift called the Romanian and the Stiff Legged Lift.

Another exercise that you can do is triceps dips. These are done on the edge of a chair. Raise yourself up using your arms and hold the position. Lower yourself back down onto the chair. Free weights are another good way to increase the size of your biceps muscles. To do this you stand straight and hold the weight in one of your hands. Lift the weight to your chest and then back down. The weight that you should use for these exercises is a five, ten or fifteen pound weight.

Closed grip bench presses are also used to build up the arm muscles. These are used to work on your triceps and biceps with the same exercise. Lay back on the bench and hold your hands close together for the exercise. Your elbows should be tucked in and keep your wrists straight. Lower the bar to your chest and then back up for one repetition. Use hand gripping exercises to help you build up your forearms and hands.

All of the exercises will not do anything for you if you do not follow good nutritional practices. Don't eat foods that are high in fat and keep your alcohol intake to a minimum. Use a well balanced diet and eat a good variety of foods while you are watching your diet.

These are just a few back muscle building exercises. Technique is so important in lifting exercises so you do not injure your back. Definitely see demonstrations first before you try these exercises and get feedback on your form.

Weight training experts will tell you that you should eat a higher amount of protein while you are training. The body needs the protein while you are building your muscles. Ask the experts what amounts of protein you should be eating while you are weight training. - 16004

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