Thursday, January 22, 2009

Anti Aging Advice: Lets Not Be Superficial!

By Steve Esquire

Are you interested in retaining your youthful appearance? Most people are trying to fight the aging process and maintain their beauty and young appearance. A whole industry has sprung up called anti aging. Anti aging is a broad category targeting all aspects of maintaining your health and beauty. Most people are familiar with cosmetic companies offering a whole range of anti wrinkle creams and ointments. On the other side is cosmetic surgery where your appearance can be changed by skilled doctors. In between is a whole host of other products and services targeting the fight against the aging process. Aging is a complex issue that is just in the beginning of being understood. What is known is that skin is just the superficial layer and the muscles and tissues below the surface need treatment as well. Now, massage chairs are offering massage therapies to help the fight against aging.

Two major factors which can cause the body to age rapidly is the lack of exercise and stress. Exercise helps to keep the body in top condition. The muscles stay more flexible and strength and endurance are enhanced. Without exercise, the muscles atrophy. They breakdown and they cannot support activity for long. Stress is another key ingredient to aging. Stress can cause toxins to build up in the body. These substances cause muscle stiffness and can deprive the body of precious oxygen. If left unchecked, stress will start to show up by accelerating the aging process. Both of the elements cause unnecessary and premature aging of the body and skin.

We seem to come under stress from everywhere. Some of caused by external factors like our boss. Some of it caused by internal factors like us wanting to achieve something. Both of these causes come from mental stress. We put pressure on ourselves that is the product of our thoughts. As we think these thoughts, our body reacts as if it is under physical stress from harm. The body mobilizes itself to prepare for a fight or to run away. The major organs kick into overdrive and the legs and arms are activated for action. Trouble is we have no physical action. The stress causes chemicals to be released in our bodies, but they are not given a physical release. This can cause higher levels of toxins in the body to build up.

OK, we get to the meeting, we save the day and all is good and right in the world. Well, almost. What about the accumulated stress in our bodies? That really didn't go anywhere did it? No it is still in our bodies. How do we get that out? Massage therapy is an effective technique to help flush out toxins. But massage therapy also helps reduce stress. Massage therapies such as shiatsu, Swedish and others have been shown to reduce stress, increase awareness and induce relaxation. These treatments are all available in the best massage chair brands today. I certainly age slower when I am relaxed then when I am stressed!

What about the whole body anti aging thing. Let us take a look at reflexology massage. This therapy helps to reverse the process of stress. I guess we should call is anti stress. Reflexology works by stimulating trigger points in the feet to help calm and relax the major organs. Reflexology charts have been developed showing parts of the feet and their corresponding organ that they connect with. By massaging these points, the feet send signals to calm the organs. Remember, when you were under stress, the organs send signals to the feet and hands to be ready. While the massage chair stimulates your trigger points in your feet, it is also performing a full body massage. Now your body and mind begin to relax.

Unfortunately stress is ongoing and continuous. It has become a part of modern life. To counteract this ongoing barrage of stress, your anti aging treatment must also be ongoing. Regular and frequent massage therapy is just such a treatment. The removal of the waste products of stress is an important factor in keeping the body healthy and to fight the ongoing battle with the aging process. To receive ongoing massage therapy, massage chairs are the most convenient and economical method. They offer in home convenience and can be used at any time. Keep yourself healthy and retain your youthful look with a massage chair recliner. - 16004

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