Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fat Burning Workouts: Shed That Stubborn Weight

By Gina Gardi

When you initially start an exercise program and change your eating habits for the better, you see results right away and it seems easy. You're motivated until one day you just don't seem to see or feel the results anymore. It's not easy to continue when you don't see the benefit.

The initial efforts will help you lose weight quickly but then it becomes harder. You hit a plateau and nothing seems to be working. Don't lose faith. You may just need to train differently by adding variety and challenging yourself. There are ways to reach 100% of your fat burning goals and most importantly help keep you there with smart training and a good diet.

Lack of persistence makes it difficult to shed the last few pounds or to reach your final goal. Once you reach a certain weight you may be inclined to stop trying and say your happy with what you've accomplished. And eventually you start to go back to your old habits and give up before your reach your initial goal.

Giving up before you reach your final goal can have negative long term effects. The next time you try it will be even more difficult to stick to your goals. But if you persist until you've reached your goal you'll develop a great habit of sticking to goals which leads to a positive morale boost and healthier you.

You don't have to work harder to reach your goals but rather work smarter. Train smart and eat smart. For example you may initially start with just cardio, this is a great short term way of burning extra calories but in the long run adding lean muscle tissue is a much better way to increase the your fat burning.

One of the most common mistakes is performing the same routine for more than 6 weeks. Burning fat requires a combination of both resistance and cardio but also adding variety and increasing intensity.

Following the same routine for more than 6 weeks can also lead you to plateau. Your muscles adapt and work more efficiently therefore require less energy. This burns less calories. This is why it's important to add variety and increase intensity.

For example if you walk everyday at the same pace for the same amount of time, you start to lose less weight because your body has adapted. Adding intervals is a great way to challenge your body. Add a few minutes of walking at a faster pace or increase the total time.

If you perform the same exercises and intensity when strength training, add more weight or try variations of exercises to work the same muscles. Rotate different exercises every 4 to 6 weeks by adding variety and make sure you increase your intensity as they become easier. You'll keep your self challenged and continue to burn fat and keep it off. - 16004

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