Sunday, January 4, 2009

Quick Effective Weight Loss: Let's Break It Down...

By Spinney Howard

As Americans, we've become accustomed to wanting everything fast

High speed internet, fast food to eat, speed lube for our cars, quick meals at home, turbocharged engines, speed dial on our phones, speed pass at the toll boothI could fill a page with a list showing that we've become accustomed to having everything fast.

Well...what about quick effective weight loss?

Promises quick and easy weight loss in a matter of weeks, by any company or program, is one of several red flags that should signal possible diet fraud. The hard reality is that losing excess body fat is neither quick or easy for most people. The only way to have true and lasting weight loss is through healthful eating and regular physical activity.

How are we reasonably to understand the meaning of quick and effective?

You see, many people want to lose weight quick. However, quick, or fast weight loss is unhealthy and carries with it a number of possible health risks that should not be overlooked.

To lose weight in a healthy way, an individual should be losing no more than 2 to 4 pounds a week.

So how can we have quick weight loss? attention!

Ask yourself this: How long did it take you to become overweight or obese? For most people, gaining excess weight happened over a number of years.

However with the right lifestyle change you can lose a significant amount of weight from 6 months to a year.

So your weight loss is quick in relation to the time it took you to become overweight or obese.

Got it?

The effective part is a no brainer...well, at least it should be.

To lose weight effectively, you must focus on changing your lifestylenot dieting! Remember that the first 3 letters in the word dieting is "die!"

Diets don't work...Always remember that.

An effective weight loss program encourages steady weight loss, no more than 3 to 4 pounds a week, over a period of 6 months to a year, maybe longer in some cases of severe obesity.

So there you have it dear readers...quick effective weight loss explained. - 16004

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