Thursday, January 1, 2009

Get Informed: Natural Yeast Infection Treatments

By Gray Rollins

You must have heard about Candida. No. we are not talking about Bernard Shaw's Candida but the infection Candida which is caused by natural yeast. Well, if you haven't heard about this infection then it is time that you paid attention to it. Because this is an infection which might make your waking and sleeping hours an uncomfortable affair! Imagine scratching your hands in front of people you have just met! Or worse still imagine your husband not wanting to eat food cooked by you since you scratch yourself hands all day long. Well, if you don't want such things to happen to you, then you better gather more information about this infection. People are growing more and more conscious by the day about Candida, so why not you too?!

In recent times, there has been a search for more natural cures for the infection. Though the creams that can be bought over the counter are recommended, many people are wary about the artificial medicine. Their main fear is, of course, the risk of side effects.

However, before you think of the cure, it is more advisable to give a thought to the ways of preventing this yeast infection. And if you are wondering how to gather this precious information then do not worry we will provide you with all the information that you need to know. You need to have a very good sense and habit of self-hygiene and care.

It's a wise decision to avoid alcohol the best you can. Whether it's in a beverage or in food, it can be a risky situation. While you may be tempted by a cold beer, or a liquor-filled chocolate, remember that alcohol encourages growth in yeast. While a drink with friends may seem tempting, harmless even, it could bring you intense discomfort in the near future.

Other edibles to avoid are anything containing caffeine, margarine, or dairy, and especially junk food. It's a good idea to severely limit your indulgence in these foods, if not completely abstain from them. This means putting down the can of soda, and picking up a glass of water, and snacking on fruits and vegetables instead of chips and sweets. But, hey, these are good health tips, regardless of whether you have the disease or not. If cutting out milk products seems like an obstacle, look for alternatives made with soy or rice milk. It can be a bit of a search, but many grocery stores provide dairy-free substitutes.

It's also good idea to avoid using public facilities, whenever possible. Restrooms are a well-known breeding ground for germs, and communal toilets are likely to be swarming with germs that will worsen the state of your infection. The best advice we can give you here, is to go to the bathroom before you leave the house, and avoid drinking a lot of liquids while you're out and about. The same concept applies to swimming pools, so stay out of the city pool!

The next thing to make sure is to select the right condom. There are many varieties of condoms. The types which you need to avoid are the ones which contain nonoxynol-9 lubricant. So make sure you read the about the condom before you use it.

If you use perfumes very frequently then you must cut down on its usage. Any scented thing should be avoided. So try to cut down on scented sanitary pads, tampons, etc. The reason behind this advice is that the bacteria which kills the yeast is destroyed by the scent of these above mentioned artificially scented stuff.

The best remedy for you is to drink a lot of water. Also remember to add garlic and yogurt in your diet. Apart from these, applying tea tree oil or products containing tree tea oil is a good idea if you want to you get rid of yeast infection naturally. - 16004

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