Saturday, January 24, 2009

Great Skin and Healthy Happy with Kombucha

By Lydia Peru

Kombucha skin tonic? Why not? Dry skin is a complaint that many speak of, and the inflammation and redness can be irritating and unsightly. You can use Kombucha in a bath, or spritz it through a spray bottle on that dry itchy skin.

Acne afflicts many of us, both during puberty and for some long into their adult life. Kombucha helps this inflammatory acne skin condition by restoring skin pH, and serving as a gentle antibiotic. You can use Kombucha in your bath, topically dab it or spritz on skin after your bath, and drink this healthy tea to aid in detoxification.

Many people use a foot soak to for detoxing their body. Some foot spa units, like the one shown at recommend clean water and a little salt, and use ionic action to pull toxins out of the skin. You can follow your foot soak with Kombucha for the anti bacterial and anti fungal effect, and make those digits smell better as well.

Dont let all this talk about Kombucha and skin go to your head. Alright, let it, for Kombucha makes an excellent tonic for healthy hair. Give it a try in your fight against dandruff.

Another skin condition is Eczema. This skin condition can affect young and old. It may be related to an allergy, toxicity in the liver or immune function. Kombucha can be used topically, in a bath, or as a nutritional drink.

Some people complain of itching skin, also known as pruritis. Kombucha has an antiseptic quality, and can soothe itching. You can blend an older Kombucha mushroom into a paste and apply to itching skin, or use the tea. A Kombucha bath is also very soothing and nourishing as well. Dont forget to drink your Kombucha tea!

Kombucha has been used for many other skin related conditions. Bee stings can be eased with Kombucha. You can try Kombucha on varicose veins, piles, ulcers, rashes, even psoriasis. This balancing gentle tea makes a valuable addition to both your kitchen and your medicine chest. - 16004

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