Saturday, January 24, 2009

Which is the Best Hemorrhoids Treatment -Venapro or Zenmed Ziro?

By Callum Martinez

Two of the most popular natural hemorrhoids treatments you can find today are Venapro and Zenmed Ziro. Each day thousands of people are searching for information about the effectiveness of these products. The fact is that the Venapro and Zenmed Ziro hemorrhoid treatments are very different. In this article I will explain how each product works.

This is How Venapro Works

The Venapro hemorrhoid treatment system has two components, the Colon Health Formula and the Homeopathic Oral Spray. These components work internally to eliminate both internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

The Venapro Colon Health Formula works in two ways. It helps alleviate constipation which is usually the root cause of hemorrhoids and it relieves uncomfortable hemorrhoid symptoms. Venapro contains herbs proven to fight hemorrhoids such as: Witch Hazel, an anti-inflammatory used to relax the veins and relieve painful pressure and Horse Chestnut, an herb used to reduce the swelling and itching of hemorrhoids.

The Venapro homeopathic Oral Spray has been formulated to work with and boost the effectiveness of the Colon Health Formula. The Oral Spray contains herbs such as; Horse Chestnut, Arnica, St. Mary's Thistle, Stone Root and Witch Hazel.

How Zenmed Ziro Works to Treat Hemorrhoids

Zenmed Ziro hemorrhoid cream is a excellent product for quick relief of external hemorrhoid pain. That's because Zenmed Ziro contains a combination of astringent and anti-inflammatory herbal ingredients such as sage, coltsfoot, yarrow, chamomile, and aloe vera. However, even the best creams will usually only provide temporary results. They will help relieve the itching and reduce the swelling in the short term, but they are not usually a cure for hemorrhoids.

Some people may want to use both products to heal their external hemorrhoids. That's because if you use Venapro alone you will continue to feel the discomfort of hemorrhoids until the formula takes full effect. Using Zenmed Ziro hemorrhoid cream on your external hemorrhoids will give you immediate relief as the Venapro formula begins to work.

A combination of these two products working side by side could be your most effective treatment option for external hemorrhoids. By combining the healing properties of Venapro and Zenmed Ziro your hemorrhoids should gradually disappear without you feeling pain and discomfort.

Be aware that even using these effective hemorrhoid treatments will not completely cure your hemorrhoid problem. You must also add daily routines such as:

* schedule enough time to use the toilet without feeling rushed

* eat healthy fibrous foods

* eat healthy foods that contain fiber and water

* schedule a time exercise every day

* exercise daily

Living with hemorrhoids can be miserable but if you use hemorrhoid treatments such as Venapro and Zenmed Ziro, improve your diet and exercise daily you will be on your way curing your hemorrhoids as you relieve your hemorrhoid pain. - 16004

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