Friday, January 23, 2009

How to Remove Cellulite Fast

By Jessica J Kavanaugh

Every woman hates cellulite. Over 90 per cent will have the condition at some time with most developing it in their 30's. The most common place for cellulite to occur is on the buttocks, thighs or stomach but it has been known to appear elsewhere including the back or even the neck. A woman doesn't need to be overweight to develop cellulite with many skinny women also being affected. Trying to find a way to get rid of cellulite can be difficult with so many treatments available.

The number one cause of cellulite is too much fat. The condition occurs at the level below the skin where there exists a thin layer of fat. When a person is overweight the fat here becomes lumpy and uneven which causes the skin above to become dimpled. Research has shown that women will add around 15 pounds of fat every decade and this is one of the major contributors to cellulite. The first step in losing cellulite is to start eating more healthy foods and increase your intake of water.

You should combine your diet changes with an exercise routine. The idea is to burn the fat off and develop muscle to replace the fat. To do this you need to combine both weights and cardio focusing on those areas which is affected by cellulite.

For the cardio you can do any type of exercise that will raise you heart rate, getting you breathing heavily and burning fat. This could be walking, stair climbing or cycling. Don't forget to warm up and cool down properly to avoid any injuries.

If you do decide to do muscle building program then you should make sure you do a few intense sets of exercises that will work the muscles that exist around the cellulite affected area. For those women who have problem with their thighs then the strength exercise of choice would be leg press, squats or lunges. Make sure the weight is appropriate for your level and strength.

Stretching is also an important part of your exercise routine. While this won't reduce cellulite directly it will keep your muscles long and flexible, and decrease the chance of your getting an injury from the intense workout.

While you are thinking about exercising, a simple way to help reduce the look of the dimples is to get a spray on tan. This is helpful because the darker your skin is the less noticeable the dimples will be. Avoid getting a tan from the sun however, because the sun can damage the skin making the cellulite worst. - 16004

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