Friday, January 23, 2009

The Various Types of Bipolar Diseases

By Ken P Doyle

Bipolar disorder is also called bipolar mood disorder, manic-depressive illness, manic depression, bipolar affective disorder, bipolar affective disorder and manic-depressive disorder. People with bipolar disorder experience unusual shifting of energy, mood, behavior and the ability to function normally. These mood swings are from high periods of mania to low episodes of depression. The disorder can be either mild or severe and the mood swings can be frequent or infrequent. Depending on the symptoms manifested by the person affected, bipolar disorders can be diagnosed according to its different types such as bipolar disorder 1, bipolar disorder 2, cyclothymic disorder and bipolar disorder not otherwise specified.

Bipolar 1 Disorder

People who suffer from this type of disorder often experience both bipolar mania and depression. Bipolar 1 disorder is more commonly known as bipolar disorder 1. Bipolar 1 disorder differs from bipolar disorder 2 in terms of the duration and severity of the symptoms. The duration of the symptoms in bipolar 1 disorder can last anywhere from weeks to a couple of months.

Bipolar Disorder 2

Periods of severe depression occasionally accompanied by episodes of mild mania known as hypo mania is what is experienced by people with this type of disorder. Even though there are no delusions experienced with bipolar disorder 2, mental functioning is still impaired.

Cyclothymic Disorder

Alternate attacks of hypo mania and mild depression can be experienced by people with this type of disorder. The symptoms of this type of disorder are not as severe as the previously mentioned types of disorders but are longer in duration with no break in the occurrence of symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)

This type includes those bipolar symptoms and features that don't meet any of the categories of bipolar disorder, such as very rapid alternation between depressive symptoms and manic symptoms, recurrent episodes of hypo manic phase without depression, and hypo manic episodes that are associated with chronic depression.

Of all the types of bipolar disorders, bipolar 1 disorder is the most severe type. If left untreated, it will possibly have a high rate of recurrence. It has an estimated rate of about 15% death risk by suicide. Also, it is considered as the third leading cause of death among people aged fifteen to twenty-four years old. It tends to run in families and is a lifelong disorder. Aside from being a hereditary disorder, other factors that can cause bipolar disorder 1 are certain illnesses such as hyperthyroidism, brain tumor, and multiple sclerosis, and certain environmental factors such as giving birth, stressful life events, sleep deprivation, stimulants, electroconvulsive therapy, antipsychotic medication and antidepressant medication.

The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder 1

Since bipolar 1 disorder involves both the manic and depression phases, the symptoms are just the common ones such as unusual happiness and sadness, grandiose delusions, change in eating and sleep patterns, pressured speech and suicidal attempts.

Treatment for Bipolar 1

Some of the more commonly used medications in the treatment of bipolar 1 include mood stabilizers, antidepressants and anti-psychotics. Anxiety, insomnia and restlessness can also be managed by other prescribed medications. In some cases, psychotherapy is also a choice of treatment.

Having Bipolar disorder 1 or any other bipolar disorder for that matter should not be taken lightly since it can be fatal due to suicide if not treated. Treatment should be acquired straight away once symptoms are evident. - 16004

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