Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stop Pile Pain, How To Cure Hemorrhoids

By Noel Byrne

If you are suffering in silence from hemorrhoids, you can find a solution for fast working Hemorrhoid cures. If you have never experienced hemorrhoids, breathe a sigh of relief since often the treatments are simple but can be extreme.

Severe or painless hemorrhoids can be cured using simple natural remedies. Surgery is rare, but do consult a physician to determine that you do have piles. There are always effective treatment available so do not worry. Listed are cures and treatments available.

AROMATHERAPY For less severe cases of hemorrhoids, this is one of the fast working hemorrhoid cures. Aromatherapy has been in place for years, and one of the popular treatments includes adding 20 drops of both lavender and juniper to your bath water. Once the oils have been dispersed, soak for at least a half hour for several times a week.

Drugstores have a vast range of hemorrhoid cure available the most popular of which are probably Preparation H, an ointment. Apply a thick coating to skin, this works by shrinking the tissue, eliminate the condition. For relief of internal hemorrhoids suppositories are available to cure them.

Sometimes in very severe cases the doctor might recommend Rubber Band Ligation. This might sound painful, but it is a minor procedure which involves a surgeon placing a rubber band on the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood flow. Days later the hemorrhoid will have shriveled and the band will be removed.

A rare treatment for a hemorrhoid, Laser treatment. Laser coagulation uses an electrical current through a probe. This causes a chemical reaction, which shuts down the blood supply and with out the blood flow the hemorrhoids can be cured.

My quest to find the cure for hemorrhoids, was driven by my suffering for years from hemorrhoids. Listed below is a site where I found the cure for me, I urge anyone who has suffered to avail of the free report.

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, try using fast working hemorrhoid cures, but don't become discouraged if they fail. Your case may simply require some other intervention, but most problems are diagnosed and treated with natural hemorrhoid cures and remedies.

Please do not put off the problem, hemorrhoids will not cure them selves. This will probably only make matters worse, find treatment now. - 16004

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